vmware / vsphere-automation-sdk-python

Python samples, language bindings, and API reference documentation for vSphere, VMC, and NSX-T using the VMware REST API
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Cannot auth Python SDK into VCenter. #221

Closed tezzigator closed 4 years ago

tezzigator commented 4 years ago


vSphere-Automation-SDK 1.25.0 Python 3.8.2 vSphere version: 6.7.0


We can use the sdk against 1 VCenter system and provision resources. But another one we keep getting user auth failed, even though the API user we are using is configured as an admin in VCenter. Can you help in determining which auth/role settings may be missing?

anusha94 commented 4 years ago

Can you be more clear? Here, "another one" means another user or another VC?

tezzigator commented 4 years ago

My apologies - for the "another one" that is working, its a completely different VC, with a completely different set of user credentials. The odd thing is the VC I am able to get the SDK to work with, the credentials do not have admin level access.

The user credentials for the VC that I cannot get the SDK to work on has admin level set for the credentials. Im positive the user/pass combo is correct, as if i intentionally give a different password I then get a different error message of "authentication required". When I try to use the SDK with the correct user/pass then I get "not authorized", so I'm pretty sure that I have the right credentials - its just there is something in VC that is not allowing it. Thanks!

anusha94 commented 4 years ago

Thanks for the clarification. Can you share the code snippet? The login step to be more specific. And the error stack too.

tezzigator commented 4 years ago

Here is the login config that works on other VCenters with other credentials:

session = requests.session()
session.verify = False # SSL cert verification
urllib3.disable_warnings(urllib3.exceptions.InsecureRequestWarning) # Disable a ssl cert error warning
client = create_vsphere_client(server=idcs[idc]['API'], username=os.environ['TF_VAR_vsphere_user'], password=os.environ['TF_VAR_vsphere_pass'], session=session)

And the error:

com.vmware.vapi.std.errors_client.InternalServerError: {messages : [LocalizableMessage(id='vapi.bindings.method.impl.unexpected', default_message='Provider method implementation threw unexpected exception: com.vmware.vapi.std.errors.Unauthorized', args=['com.vmware.vapi.std.errors.Unauthorized'], params=None, localized=None), LocalizableMessage(id='com.vmware.api.vcenter.unauthorized', default_message='Not authorized to perform this operation.', args=[], params=None, localized=None)], data : None, error_type : None}

And if i intentionally use the wrong password:

com.vmware.vapi.std.errors_client.Unauthenticated: {challenge : None, messages : [LocalizableMessage(id='com.vmware.vapi.endpoint.method.authentication.required', default_message='Authentication required.', args=[], params=None, localized=None)], data : None, error_type : None}
anusha94 commented 4 years ago

Since you are sure of admin access and correct user/pass combo, could you try logging in the vsphere ui client? Just hit the http://<IP>/ui in the browser -> verify if you can login with these credentials. If you get the same error, then something is wrong in the privileges or credentials, but if you're able to login via UI and not via SDK, then we'll have to investigate the SDK

tezzigator commented 4 years ago

My apologies - the admin of the system got back with me they had something wrong with my account and told me they "really did" make me admin this time and now its working. sorry to waste time.