vnc-biz / vnc-zcs-crm

VNC CRM For Zimbra
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ZCS 8.0.2 to ZCS 8.0.4 update problem #6

Open adriangibanelbtactic opened 11 years ago

adriangibanelbtactic commented 11 years ago

I've updated from: ZCS OSE 8.0.2 - Ubuntu 12.04 to: ZCS OSE 8.0.4 - Ubuntu 12.04 .

Using Safari and going to VNC CRM from the Admin panel I get this error:

QueryInterface: function QueryInterface() { [native code] } message: Failure result: 2147500037
name: NS_ERROR_FAILURE filename:
lineNumber: 713 columnNumber: 0 location: inner: data: initialize: function initialize() { [native code] }

Using Chromium and going to VNC CRM from the Admin panel I get this error:

Unknown error : Error code: 101


What I have tried so far is:

zm-apt-get updat
E: Operación inválida: updat
zimbra@mail:~$ zm-apt-get update
Des:1 ironmaiden Release.gpg [490 B]
Des:2 ironmaiden Release [8.599 B]
Des:3 ironmaiden/free All Packages [8.755 B]
Des:4 ironmaiden/restricted All Packages [2.442 B]
Des:5 ironmaiden/commercial All Packages [3.059 B]
Ign ironmaiden/commercial TranslationIndex
Ign ironmaiden/free TranslationIndex
Ign ironmaiden/restricted TranslationIndex
Des:6 ironmaiden/commercial Translation-en [286 B]
Des:7 ironmaiden/free Translation-en [963 B]
Des:8 ironmaiden/restricted Translation-en [299 B]
Ign ironmaiden/commercial Translation-es_ES
Ign ironmaiden/commercial Translation-es                 
Ign ironmaiden/free Translation-es_ES
Ign ironmaiden/free Translation-es
Ign ironmaiden/restricted Translation-es_ES
Ign ironmaiden/restricted Translation-es
Descargados 24,9 kB en 0seg. (35,4 kB/s)
Leyendo lista de paquetes... Hecho
zimbra@mail:~$ zm-apt-get install zcs-crm
Leyendo lista de paquetes... Hecho
Creando árbol de dependencias       
Leyendo la información de estado... Hecho
zcs-crm ya está en su versión más reciente.
0 actualizados, 0 se instalarán, 0 para eliminar y 0 no actualizados.

Thank you for any help you can provide.

Is it safe that I uninstall VNC CRM and then reinstall it? If the answer is yes, how I'm supposed to do so? Maybe...

zm-apt-get remove zcs-crm
zm-apt-get install zcs-crm


Would the CRM data in that case be kept safe?

Thank you.

adriangibanelbtactic commented 11 years ago

The same error from Firefox is:

Se ha detectado un error de JavaScript in method ZaController.prototype._setView
QueryInterface: function QueryInterface() { [native code] }
message: Component returned failure code: 0x80004005 (NS_ERROR_FAILURE) result: 2147500037
name: NS_ERROR_FAILURE filename: lineNumber: 713
columnNumber: 0 location: inner: data: initialize: function initialize() { [native code] } 

just in case it helps. The first line in Spanish means: A JavaScript error has been detected in method.

adriangibanelbtactic commented 11 years ago

Here's another idea that has come to my mind:

Copy: and files from: ~/zimlets-install/zcs-crm to : ~/zimlets and then run:

zmzimletctl undeploy
zmzimletctl deploy
zmzimletctl undeploy
zmzimletctl deploy

Are these commands safe for VNC CRM data already stored in the installation?

Thank you.

metux commented 11 years ago


you need to reinstall all package (including zmpkg -> use the bootstrap installer), as they're different between Zimbra base versions.

Unfortunately, Zimbra upstream breaks APIs between major releases, so only very trivial zimlets are compatible.

adriangibanelbtactic commented 11 years ago

This is what I have done so far. First I've downloaded: Then I've run:

tar xzf zcs-zmpkg-
cd zcs-zmpkg-

./ /opt/zimbra

and I got:

Fakeroot ok: fakeroot version 1.18.2
dpkg: aviso: desactualizando zcs-zmpkg de a
(Warning: Downgrading zcs-zmpkg from to
(Leyendo la base de datos ... 254 ficheros o directorios instalados actualmente.)
Preparando para reemplazar zcs-zmpkg (usando zcs-zmpkg_1.3.0.3-ironmaiden-0_all.deb) ...
Desempaquetando el reemplazo de zcs-zmpkg ...
dpkg: error al procesar zcs-zmpkg_1.3.0.3-ironmaiden-0_all.deb (--install):
 no se puede crear un enlace de seguridad de `./bin/zm-apt-key' antes de instalar
la nueva versión: Operación no permitida
Se encontraron errores al procesar:
dpkg: aviso: desactualizando zcs-zmpkg de a
(Leyendo la base de datos ... 254 ficheros o directorios instalados actualmente.)
Preparando para reemplazar zcs-zmpkg (usando zcs-zmpkg_1.3.0.3-ironmaiden-0_all.deb) ...
Desempaquetando el reemplazo de zcs-zmpkg ...
dpkg: error al procesar zcs-zmpkg_1.3.0.3-ironmaiden-0_all.deb (--install):
 no se puede crear un enlace de seguridad de `./bin/zm-apt-key' antes de instalar
la nueva versión: Operación no permitida
Se encontraron errores al procesar:
dpkg: aviso: desactualizando zcs-zmpkg de a
(Leyendo la base de datos ... 254 ficheros o directorios instalados actualmente.)
Preparando para reemplazar zcs-zmpkg (usando zcs-zmpkg_1.3.0.3-ironmaiden-0_all.deb) ...
Desempaquetando el reemplazo de zcs-zmpkg ...
dpkg: error al procesar zcs-zmpkg_1.3.0.3-ironmaiden-0_all.deb (--install):
 no se puede crear un enlace de seguridad de `./bin/zm-apt-key' antes de instalar
(A backup link of `./bin/zm-apt-key could not be created before installation)
la nueva versión: Operación no permitida
Se encontraron errores al procesar:

I'm going to check the troubleshoot tips in the READMe and maybe the ./bin/zm-apt-key permissions. I guess that running zmfixperms will solve the downgrade issue.

adriangibanelbtactic commented 11 years ago


I don't know why you want me to reinstall zcs-crm because of changes in major releases while I've specified the versions were 8.0.2 and 8.0.4 which are not major releases but anyway...

Here there is what I have done so far:

First I've downloaded: Then I've run:

tar xzf zcs-zmpkg-
cd zcs-zmpkg-

So in order to avoid errors during the downgrade I've done:

chown zimbra:zimbra /opt/zimbra/bin/_zmapt_wrapper
chown zimbra:zimbra /opt/zimbra/bin/zm-apt-*
chown zimbra:zimbra /opt/zimbra/bin/zmpkg*

So now the command:

./ /opt/zimbra

outputs these scary messages:

Fakeroot ok: fakeroot version 1.18.2
dpkg: aviso: desactualizando zcs-zmpkg de a
(Leyendo la base de datos ... 254 ficheros o directorios instalados actualmente.)
Preparando para reemplazar zcs-zmpkg (usando zcs-zmpkg_1.3.0.3-ironmaiden-0_all.deb) ...
Desempaquetando el reemplazo de zcs-zmpkg ...
dpkg: aviso: no se puede borrar el directorio antiguo `/extensions-extra/packages': El directorio no está vacío
dpkg: aviso: no se puede borrar el directorio antiguo `/mailboxd/webapps/service/WEB-INF/lib': El directorio no está vacío
dpkg: aviso: no se puede borrar el directorio antiguo `/mailboxd/webapps/service/WEB-INF': El directorio no está vacío
dpkg: aviso: no se puede borrar el directorio antiguo `/mailboxd/webapps/service': El directorio no está vacío
dpkg: aviso: no se puede borrar el directorio antiguo `/mailboxd/webapps/zimbra/WEB-INF/lib': El directorio no está vacío
dpkg: aviso: no se puede borrar el directorio antiguo `/mailboxd/webapps/zimbra/WEB-INF': El directorio no está vacío
dpkg: aviso: no se puede borrar el directorio antiguo `/mailboxd/webapps/zimbra/skins': El directorio no está vacío
dpkg: aviso: no se puede borrar el directorio antiguo `/mailboxd/webapps/zimbra/js': El directorio no está vacío
dpkg: aviso: no se puede borrar el directorio antiguo `/mailboxd/webapps/zimbra': El directorio no está vacío
dpkg: aviso: no se puede borrar el directorio antiguo `/mailboxd/webapps/zimbraAdmin/WEB-INF/lib': El directorio no está vacío
dpkg: aviso: no se puede borrar el directorio antiguo `/mailboxd/webapps/zimbraAdmin/WEB-INF': El directorio no está vacío
dpkg: aviso: no se puede borrar el directorio antiguo `/mailboxd/webapps/zimbraAdmin/js': El directorio no está vacío
dpkg: aviso: no se puede borrar el directorio antiguo `/mailboxd/webapps/zimbraAdmin': El directorio no está vacío
dpkg: aviso: no se puede borrar el directorio antiguo `/mailboxd/webapps/zimlet/WEB-INF': El directorio no está vacío
dpkg: aviso: no se puede borrar el directorio antiguo `/mailboxd/webapps/zimlet': El directorio no está vacío
dpkg: aviso: no se puede borrar el directorio antiguo `/mailboxd/webapps': Permiso denegado
dpkg: aviso: no se puede borrar de forma segura el fichero antiguo `/mailboxd': Permiso denegado
dpkg: aviso: no se puede borrar el directorio antiguo `/lib/jars': Permiso denegado
Configurando zcs-zmpkg ( ...
(Leyendo la base de datos ... 241 ficheros o directorios instalados actualmente.)
Preparando para reemplazar zcs-zmpkg (usando zcs-zmpkg_1.3.0.3-ironmaiden-0_all.deb) ...
Desempaquetando el reemplazo de zcs-zmpkg ...
Configurando zcs-zmpkg ( ...
(Leyendo la base de datos ... 241 ficheros o directorios instalados actualmente.)
Preparando para reemplazar zcs-zmpkg (usando zcs-zmpkg_1.3.0.3-ironmaiden-0_all.deb) ...
Desempaquetando el reemplazo de zcs-zmpkg ...
Configurando zcs-zmpkg ( ...

Basically many of the directories are not deleted (thanks GNU!) because they are not empty. Desactualizando means: Downgrading.

So I've come into zimbra user and I've run:

zm-apt-get update
zm-apt-get install zcs-crm

and again it tells me that the most zcs-crm version is installed.

Am I supposed to run:

zm-apt-get remove zcs-crm
zm-apt-get install zcs-crm


Will the already entered data be safe?

Any other thoughts?

Thank you for your help so far.

adriangibanelbtactic commented 11 years ago

Please check:

to understand why I'm actually dowgrading by mistake / non updated documentation to a former version of zcs-zmpkg.

Let's hope we can fix the zcs-crm installation while keeping the latest zcs-zmpkg version.

Thank you again.

adriangibanelbtactic commented 11 years ago

I've done more checks.

First of all I think that having one zcs-zmpkg version or another isn't very critical and that the best one is the last one because it sets up the REPO for you.

Now about the error.

Scenario 1:

Scenario 2:

Scenario 3:

So it would seem that when Zimbra 8.0.2 upgrades to 8.0.4 version some of zcs crm data / files are modified and then the critical error (ZCS CRM is totally inusable for both admin and user) happens.

Do you need any data for debugging it?

Thank you.

metux commented 11 years ago

When upgrading zimbra base (even within 8.x lines), you still might need to re-install zmpkg via bootstrap installer. The problem is: zimbra upgrade tends to be destructive to anything that's not coming from upstream :(

For example, the dpkg output clearly indicates that permissions have been fixed up. zmpkg bootstrap install fixes this.

adriangibanelbtactic commented 11 years ago

After having fought myself with Zimbra updates, zmpkg bootstrap reinstallations and so on I've finally found out how to solve this problem. The problem arises when you update Zimbra even to your current Zimbra version.

Using firebug I've found what was happening at the backside:

"NetworkError: 404 Not Found - https://zimbra.local:7071/zimbraAdmin/js/vnc/json/json2_all.js.zgz?v=130524123930"


So the solution is reinstalling all the responsible packages for vnc-crm. That is:

zm-apt-get remove \
zcs-core-libs \
zcs-lib-json-simple \
zcs-lib-gson \
zcs-lib-vnc-common \
zcs-lib-vnc-pro \

zm-apt-get install \
zcs-core-libs \
zcs-lib-json-simple \
zcs-lib-gson \
zcs-lib-vnc-common \
zcs-lib-vnc-pro \

Hope it that helps someone and that you either:


Thank you for your help again.

Please close the bug when you have documented it or fixed it.