vnijs / radiant

Business analytics using R and Shiny
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Code is not evaluated when running Radiant on a server #18

Closed dbuijs closed 8 years ago

dbuijs commented 9 years ago

I noticed this when I was trying out Radiant on a Digital Ocean shiny server. In the Code and Report tabs, messages come up indicating that code and rmd files are not evaluated when Radiant is running on a server.

I was able to find where these flags are in the code base, but had some difficulty finding comments or documentation on why this is disabled.

Can I get these features to work on a server simply by commenting out the !r_local statements?

Is there any unexpected behaviour I should look for when I do this?

vnijs commented 9 years ago

Interesting. Did you use for setup or something else?

The main risk here is that you can run arbitrary R-code through the code and rmarkdown modules. This is at-your-own risk when running locally but on a server this is a security problem (e.g., a user could try system("rm -rf *"))

I have talked to the folks at Rstudio and will (hopefully) discuss with them over the summer how to make this work with something like (R)AppArmor.

I have not used AppArmor before. Rstudio server seems to have a profile that might be applied (see

I don't know if commenting out !r_local will work perfectly on a server. Haven't tried it. Feel free to try and report back :) Perhaps try forcing r_local to TRUE in inst/base/global.R (r_local is set in that file). Happy to help but I really wouldn't use this feature on a server unless you can mitigate the security concerns somehow.

Just curious ... what are you planning to use radiant for? A class or something else?

dbuijs commented 9 years ago

I actually used the rocker/shiny Docker image. As far as Digital Ocean goes, I'm just using the Docker appliance. I had to update r-base to 3.2, create a swap file (very important for R), and then install the radiant R package (with all it's dependencies). Then I pulled the GItHub repo, copied /inst/base over to /srv/shinyapps/ and fired it up.

Thanks so much for the feedback! Usually there's a good reason for stuff like this, and I'm glad you let me know before I did something silly. I'll fiddle with it myself. I'm not sure you could get past the Docker container, but you never know..

I've figured out that there's a pretty good use case for giving semi-processed datasets to non-technical scientists and letting them play with the data themselves. I was about to start writing stand-alone shiny apps for this, but Radiant seems like a very good candidate for a generic "R with training wheels".

At this point it's still just a skunkworks project. I've got some basic import scripts up on GitHub to give you an idea of what I'm starting with:

vnijs commented 9 years ago

I will give Docker a try pretty soon. If a solution presents itself to use the code and report feature fully on a server I will post back here.

Good luck with the project! If you use radiant let me know if you have comments / suggestions.

vnijs commented 8 years ago

Radiant development has been moved to Updated documentation is available at

As soon as the development versions of Shiny and DT hit CRAN I'll push the new Radiant packages as well

Please open any new issues at