vnmakarov / mir

A lightweight JIT compiler based on MIR (Medium Internal Representation) and C11 JIT compiler and interpreter based on MIR
MIT License
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[Feature Request] JIT for s390x #73

Open bencz opened 4 years ago

bencz commented 4 years ago

I'm playing with your project and I find it quite interesting!!! Anyway, I wonder if there are plans to support the s390x architecture?

IBM provides free access to a VM on a real mainframe, where it is possible to create a Suse or RedHat instance, so it is possible to test JIT on a real server running on s390x architecture

The link to request the VM:

vnmakarov commented 4 years ago

Thank you for the kind words about the project.

Yes, I started to work on the z-series port. MIR will support every 64-bit RHEL target. ETA for the port is about 3 weeks from now.

I can get an access to z-series machines. Travis has also s390x machine which I am going to use CT.

vnmakarov commented 4 years ago

I've ported MIR to s390x. On my tests MIR-generator generates code whose performance is about 77% geomean of one generated by GCC -O2. Of course there is a room for performance improvements but these numbers are pretty decent.

The port is now tested on s390x on Travis for every push.