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How to make the text appear the same in edit mode and in View mode? #2485

Open jhon65496 opened 4 months ago

jhon65496 commented 4 months ago

How to make the text appear the same in edit mode and in View mode?

I have fixed the text-editor file.theme. The file is located in the folder c:\Users\Root\AppData\Roaming\VNote\VNote\themes\vue-light\text-editor.theme


"kdown-syntax-styles" : {
"H1" : {
    "text-color" : "#222222",
    "bold" : true,
    "font-size" : 15
"H2" : {
    "text-color" : "#222222",
    "bold" : true,
    "font-size" : 14
"H3" : {
    "text-color" : "#222222",
    "bold" : true,
    "font-size" : 13
"H4" : {
    "text-color" : "#222222",
    "bold" : true,
    "font-size" : 12
"H5" : {
    "text-color" : "#222222",
    "bold" : true,
    "font-size" : 11
"H6" : {
    "text-color" : "#222222",
    "bold" : true,
    "font-size" : 10

It was

"markdown-syntax-styles" : {
"H1" : {
    "text-color" : "#222222",
    "bold" : true,
    "font-size" : 17
"H2" : {
    "text-color" : "#222222",
    "bold" : true,
    "font-size" : 16
"H3" : {
    "text-color" : "#222222",
    "bold" : true,
    "font-size" : 15
"H4" : {
    "text-color" : "#222222",
    "bold" : true,
    "font-size" : 14
"H5" : {
    "text-color" : "#222222",
    "bold" : true,
    "font-size" : 13
"H6" : {
    "text-color" : "#222222",
    "bold" : true,
    "font-size" : 12

Now it looks like Edit mode image

View mode image

Theme image


I want the display (and fonts) in reading mode to be similar to the display(and fonts) as in edit mode. Minimally, I want to


File web.css.

body {
    margin: 0 auto;
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    color: #34495E;
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h1, h2, h3, h4, h5, h6 {
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    padding: 0;

p,blockquote,table {
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    margin: 0.4em 0;

p {
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    /* margin-bottom: .e; */

h1 {
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h2 {
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h3 {
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h4 {
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h5 {
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h6 {
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a {
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a:hover {
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a:visited {
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ul, ol {
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li {
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li ul, li ol {
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p, ul, ol {
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:not(h1):not(h2):not(h3):not(h4):not(h5):not(h6) code {
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pre code {
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aside {
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blockquote {
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blockquote p {
    color: #666666;

hr {
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 table tr {
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 table tr:nth-child(2n){
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 table tr th {
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 table tr td {
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    padding: 6px 13px;

 table tr th :first-child, table tr td :first-child {
    margin-top: 0;

 table tr th :last-child, table tr td :last-child {
    margin-bottom: 0;

div.vx-mermaid-graph {
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div.vx-plantuml-graph {
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#vx-content span.vx-search-match {
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#vx-content span.vx-current-search-match {
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#vx-content {
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/* 宽度设定 */
@media screen and (min-width: 1180px) {
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@media screen and (max-width: 768px) {
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.vx-alert p {
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    background-color: #C1C1C1;

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    background-color: #484848;

/* 标题层级展示 CSS */
.vx-header-anchor::after{background-color: #eee;padding: 0 5px;border-radius: 3px;}
.vx-header-anchor{color: #999;display: inline-block;margin-left: 10px;}

h1 .vx-header-anchor::after { content: 'H1';}
h2 .vx-header-anchor::after { content: 'H2';}
h3 .vx-header-anchor::after { content: 'H3';}
h4 .vx-header-anchor::after { content: 'H4';}
h5 .vx-header-anchor::after { content: 'H5';}
h6 .vx-header-anchor::after { content: 'H6';}

h1 .vx-header-anchor{margin-top: -5px;}
h2 .vx-header-anchor{margin-top: -4px;}
h3 .vx-header-anchor{margin-top: -3px;}
h4 .vx-header-anchor{margin-top: -2px;}
h5 .vx-header-anchor{margin-top: -1px;}

/* 优化嵌套代码块样式 */
.vx-alert .code-toolbar pre[class*="language-"]{
    background-color: #f3f3f3 !important;
    border: 1px dashed #eee;


File text-editor.theme

    "metadata" : {
        "revision" : 0,
        "name" : "Moonlight",
        "type" : "vtextedit"
    "editor-styles" : {
        "Text" : {
            "//comment" : "Support a list of fonts separated by ,",
            "font-family" : "YaHei Consolas Hybrid, Consolas, Monaco, Andale Mono, Monospace, Courier New",
            "font-size" : 12,
            "text-color" : "#222222",
            "background-color" : "#FFFFFF",
            "selected-text-color" : "#ffffff",
            "selected-background-color" : "#1976d2"
        "CursorLine" : {
            "background-color" : "#D2E2FF"
        "TrailingSpace" : {
            "background-color" : "#a8a8a8"
        "Tab" : {
            "background-color" : "#cfcfcf"
        "SelectedText" : {
            "//comment" : "Selected text highlight",
            "text-color" : "#222222",
            "background-color" : "#dfdf00"
        "IndicatorsBorder" : {
            "text-color" : "#aaaaaa",
            "background-color" : "#fafafa"
        "CurrentLineNumber" : {
            "text-color" : "#222222"
        "Folding" : {
            "text-color" : "#6495ed"
        "FoldedFolding" : {
            "text-color" : "#4169e1"
        "FoldingHighlight" : {
            "text-color" : "#a9c4f5"
        "FoldedFoldingRangeLine" : {
            "background-color" : "#befbdd"
        "IncrementalSearch" : {
            "//comment" : "Incremental search highlight",
            "text-color" : "#222222",
            "background-color" : "#ce93d8"
        "Search" : {
            "//comment" : "Search highlight",
            "text-color" : "#222222",
            "background-color" : "#4db6ac"
        "SearchUnderCursor" : {
            "//comment" : "Search highlight under cursor",
            "text-color" : "#222222",
            "background-color" : "#66bb6a"
    "//comment" : "Override the Text style in editor-styles",
    "markdown-editor-styles" : {
        "Text" : {
            "//comment" : "Support a list of fonts separated by ,",
            "font-family" : "YaHei Consolas Hybrid, 冬青黑体, Microsoft YaHei, 微软雅黑, Microsoft YaHei UI, WenQuanYi Micro Hei, 文泉驿雅黑, Dengxian, 等线体, STXihei, 华文细黑, Liberation Sans, Droid Sans, NSimSun, 新宋体, SimSun, 宋体, Verdana, Helvetica, Tahoma, Arial, Geneva, Georgia, Times New Roman",
            "font-size" : 12,
            "text-color" : "#222222",
            "background-color" : "#fefefe",
            "selected-text-color" : "#ffffff",
            "selected-background-color" : "#1976d2"
    "markdown-syntax-styles" : {
        "H1" : {
            "text-color" : "#222222",
            "bold" : true,
            "font-size" : 15
        "H2" : {
            "text-color" : "#222222",
            "bold" : true,
            "font-size" : 14
        "H3" : {
            "text-color" : "#222222",
            "bold" : true,
            "font-size" : 13
        "H4" : {
            "text-color" : "#222222",
            "bold" : true,
            "font-size" : 12
        "H5" : {
            "text-color" : "#222222",
            "bold" : true,
            "font-size" : 11
        "H6" : {
            "text-color" : "#222222",
            "bold" : true,
            "font-size" : 10
        "HRULE" : {
            "text-color" : "#222222",
            "background-color" : "#dac7c9"
        "LIST_BULLET" : {
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            "bold" : true
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            "text-color" : "#0000ff"
        "LINK" : {
            "text-color" : "#005fff"
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            "text-color" : "#005fff"
        "AUTO_LINK_EMAIL" : {
            "text-color" : "#005fff"
        "IMAGE" : {
            "text-color" : "#616161"
        "REFERENCE" : {
            "text-color" : "#826200"
        "CODE" : {
            "text-color" : "#8e24aa",
            "font-family" : "YaHei Consolas Hybrid, Consolas, Monaco, Andale Mono, Monospace, Courier New"
        "EMPH" : {
            "italic" : true
        "STRONG" : {
            "bold" : true
        "HTML_ENTITY" : {
            "text-color" : "#8900b5"
        "HTML" : {
            "text-color" : "#8900b5"
        "HTMLBLOCK" : {
            "text-color" : "#8900b5"
        "COMMENT" : {
            "text-color" : "#93a1a1"
        "VERBATIM" : {
            "text-color" : "#673ab7",
            "font-family" : "YaHei Consolas Hybrid, Consolas, Monaco, Andale Mono, Monospace, Courier New"
        "//comment" : "Please modify the syntax highlight theme as well if you change this",
            "text-color" : "#673ab7",
            "font-family" : "YaHei Consolas Hybrid, Consolas, Monaco, Andale Mono, Monospace, Courier New"
        "BLOCKQUOTE" : {
            "text-color" : "#00af00"
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            "strike-through" : true
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            "font-family" : "YaHei Consolas Hybrid, Consolas, Monaco, Andale Mono, Monospace, Courier New"
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            "text-color" : "#00897b",
            "font-family" : "YaHei Consolas Hybrid, Consolas, Monaco, Andale Mono, Monospace, Courier New"
        "MARK" : {
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            "background-color" : "#ffff76"
        "TABLE" : {
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        "TABLEBORDER" : {
            "text-color" : "#d33682",
            "background-color" : "#e0e0e0"
tamlok commented 4 months ago

The lastet one has typo?


jhon65496 commented 4 months ago


The lastet one has typo?



I have fixed the error. Restarted the application. The problem remains.

Is everything displayed the same in editing mode and viewing mode?

Background information. image

tamlok commented 4 months ago

Edit mode and read mode uses different style files. One is the editor theme file, the other is the web.css file.

text-editor.theme You need to add "Italic: true" to it if you want an italic heading.

jhon65496 commented 3 months ago

@tamlok See Update-1 in the question

tamlok commented 3 months ago

Press F12 in read mode to check where does the italic style comes from.

jhon65496 commented 3 months ago

Press F12 in read mode to check where does the italic style comes from.

Sorry. I don't understand. Could you describe in more detail how to solve the problem.

<h1 id="heading1" class="source-line" data-source-line="0">Heading1
 <a class="vx-header-anchor" href="#heading1" vx-data-anchor-icon="¶">


tamlok commented 3 months ago

Look at the right side panel to check where does the italic comes from.

Or try to delete the "font-weight: bold".

jhon65496 commented 3 months ago


Look at the right side panel to check where does the italic comes from.

Or try to delete the "font-weight: bold".

  1. Am I doing the right thing?
  2. Maybe the problem is in one of the fonts font-family:?

"font-weight: bold" - this did not lead to a result.

Pic-1 I don't find Italic. Am I doing the right thing? image

Pic-2 I checked the search for Times New Roman. font-family: The search is working.


    "YaHei Consolas Hybrid", 
    "Noto Sans", 
    "Helvetica Neue", 
    "Segoe UI", 
    "Times New Roman", 
    "Microsoft YaHei", 
    "Microsoft YaHei UI", 
    "WenQuanYi Micro Hei", 
    "Liberation Sans", 
    "Droid Sans", 
    "Apple Color Emoji", 
    "Segoe UI Emoji";
tamlok commented 2 weeks ago

Wht if you remove the font-weight: bold of the h1 tag?