vo-fomin / homepage

My very own personal website. Basically this is just a résumé.
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Скласти інтро #3

Closed vo-fomin closed 6 years ago

vo-fomin commented 6 years ago

Скласти інтро (вступ), де в 2-4 реченнях описати, що ти робиш, що подобається робити, що хочеться робити краще, що важливо робити, тощо.

vo-fomin commented 6 years ago

I'm an aspiring young student aiming to become a professional developer. I've always been passionate about IT and found myself in this. I meet deadlines and try to reach a compromise, if possible. I'm punctual, enthusiastic and decisive at work. Have experience in developing small games and websites. I've been developing skills as a programmer since school and become interested in it since childhood – wanted to make my own video game, and still do.