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Add token: Marcelo (MRL) #3

Open MarceloMRL opened 6 years ago

MarceloMRL commented 6 years ago

Contract address: 0x82125AFe01819Dff1535D0D6276d57045291B6c0

Issuer's official website: https://www.marcelo-mrl.com/

Official contract address confirmation (https://www.marcelo-mrl.com/marcelo-ico)

A link to a third-party review or discussion of the token, like an established ICO review blog: https://bitcoinexchangeguide.com/marcelo-ico-mrl-token/



Marcelo is a leading provider of cutting-edge cryptocurrency mining technologies and blockchain based services , offering solutions for mining farms of all sizes and individual miners. links:

Email: info@marcelo-mrl.com Telegram: https://t.me/joinchat/IGyNLA9UybLEpfDZYX5xpQ Twitter: https://twitter.com/Mrl_io Reddit: Whitepaper: https://docs.wixstatic.com/ugd/3e9a6a_710135a79a5342fabf7174602ec1bf9d.pdf

name: Marcelo symbol: MRL Etherscan: https://etherscan.io/address/0x82125afe01819dff1535d0d6276d57045291b6c0 Decimal: 18

voBits commented 6 years ago

Thanks for your submission as information provided and verification is concluded.

kindly provide more information so as to complete the listing process.