voc / voctomix

Full-HD Software Live-Video-Mixer in python
MIT License
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Option to overlay a clock into the stream blanker #272

Open micolous opened 4 years ago

micolous commented 4 years ago

Folks watching an event remotely might not be in the same timezone as the event. Having the option to overlaying a simple (digital) clock on the blanking slide would give them some assurances about an event running to a particular schedule.

Something like this, (where a clock with day and time is overlayed a few percent out from the corner of the image):

mockup screenshot

But with the text outlined so it works on both dark and light backgrounds.

This would only be for the stream blanker -- during the event proper we shouldn't draw over people's slides. :)

derpeter commented 4 years ago

We had already some discussion how voc2mix could generate a more dynamic blanke e.g. with coming up talks. A clock sounds like a good idea to me.