Most web browsers support Escape and some kind of OSD to exit fullscreen mode to prevent malicious developers hijacking the users computer.
When you do this, the video player remains in fullscreen mode from a CSS local styles and class perspective, which means you still have to press the exit fullscreen mode.
Steps to reproduce:
Play a video
Enter fullscreen by any means
Press escape
Note the video is still filling the viewport, rather than returning to a inline box in the page.
You'll also note the video still has mejs__container-fullscreen and some custom local styles for size.
Not being familiar with the stack, it's a bit tricky; it looks like you could solve this in a hacky way by monitoring for escape and exiting fullscreen when you do that, but it wouldn't catch the OSD or other browser-triggered exits. You could probably monitor for an event for exiting fullscreen mode, but again this probably isn't the issue.
For some reason MediaElement.js isn't detecting this event, but if you look at examples of the code on their website it works fine, so I'd imagine the bug is either:
In the specific version of MediaElement.js being used.
A bug that involves code interacting between MediaElement.js and custom code for voc/voctoweb.
Most web browsers support Escape and some kind of OSD to exit fullscreen mode to prevent malicious developers hijacking the users computer.
When you do this, the video player remains in fullscreen mode from a CSS local styles and class perspective, which means you still have to press the exit fullscreen mode.
Steps to reproduce:
Note the video is still filling the viewport, rather than returning to a inline box in the page.
You'll also note the video still has
and some custom local styles for size.Solution
Not being familiar with the stack, it's a bit tricky; it looks like you could solve this in a hacky way by monitoring for escape and exiting fullscreen when you do that, but it wouldn't catch the OSD or other browser-triggered exits. You could probably monitor for an event for exiting fullscreen mode, but again this probably isn't the issue.
For some reason MediaElement.js isn't detecting this event, but if you look at examples of the code on their website it works fine, so I'd imagine the bug is either:
Test system details: