vocalpy / vak

A neural network framework for researchers studying acoustic communication
BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License
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ENH: Add ability for prep to create datasets where the source for training samples $x$ is audio #652

Closed NickleDave closed 1 year ago

NickleDave commented 1 year ago

To be able to train DAS models we need the inputs to the network $x$ to be audio.

NickleDave commented 1 year ago

Pasting in the WindowDataset class as I have it with x_source to refer to later, about to hack this out. Key thing is to use a Literal and a constant we add to vak.constants.

from typing import Callable, Literal


from .helper import x_vectors_from_df

class WindowDataset(VisionDataset):
    # class attribute, constant used by several methods
    # with window_inds, to mark invalid starting indices for windows

    VALID_SPLITS = ("train", "val" "test", "all")

    def __init__(
        root: str | pathlib.Path,
        x_source: Literal['audio', 'spect'],
        window_inds: npt.NDArray,
        source_ids: npt.NDArray,
        source_inds: npt.NDArray,
        source_paths: list | npt.NDArray,
        annots: list,
        labelmap: dict,
        timebin_dur: float,
        window_size: int,
        spect_key: str = "s",
        timebins_key: str = "t",
        transform: Callable | None = None,
        target_transform: Callable | None = None,
        r"""Initialize a WindowDataset instance.

        root : str, Path
            Path to a .csv file that represents the dataset.
            Name 'root' is used for consistency with torchvision.datasets.
        x_source: str
            One of {'audio', 'spect'}. The source
            of the data, either audio files ('audio')
            or spectrograms in array files ('spect'),
            from which we take windows.
            These windows become the samples :math:`x`
            that are inputs for the network during training.

            ...  # implement as described above using `x_source` for control flow

# note use of constant in pre-conditions
def x_vectors_from_df(
        df: pd.DataFrame,
        x_source: Literal['audio', 'spect'],
        split: str,
        window_size: int,
        audio_format: str = "wav",
        spect_key: str = "s",
        timebins_key: str = "t",
        crop_dur: int | None = None,
        timebin_dur: float | None = None,
        labelmap: dict | None = None,
) -> tuple[npt.NDArray, npt.NDArray, npt.NDArray]:
    r"""Get source_ids and spect_ind_vector from a dataframe
    that represents a dataset of vocalizations.

    See ``vak.datasets.WindowDataset`` for a
    detailed explanation of these vectors.

    df : pandas.DataFrame
        That represents a dataset of vocalizations.
    x_source: str
        One of {'audio', 'spect'}. The source
        of the data, either audio files ('audio')
        or spectrograms in array files ('spect'),
        from which we take windows.
        These windows become the samples :math:`x`
        that are inputs for the network during training.
    window_size : int
        Size of the window, in number of time bins,
        that is taken from the audio array
        or spectrogram to become a training sample.
    audio_format : str
        Valid audio file format. One of {"wav", "cbin"}.
        Defaults to "wav".
    spect_key : str
        Key to access spectograms in array files.
        Default is "s".
    timebins_key : str
        Key to access time bin vector in array files.
        Default is "t".
    crop_dur : float
        Duration to which dataset should be "cropped". Default is None,
        in which case entire duration of specified split will be used.
    timebin_dur : float
        Duration of a single time bin in spectrograms. Default is None.
        Used when "cropping" dataset with ``crop_dur``, and required if a
        value is specified for that parameter.
    labelmap : dict
        Dict that maps labels from dataset to a series of consecutive integers.
        To create a label map, pass a set of labels to the `vak.utils.labels.to_map` function.
        Used when "cropping" dataset with ``crop_dur``
        to make sure all labels in ``labelmap`` are still
        in the dataset after cropping.
        Required if a  value is specified for ``crop_dur``.

    source_ids : numpy.ndarray
        Represents the "id" of any spectrogram,
        i.e., the index into spect_paths that will let us load it.
    source_inds : numpy.ndarray
        Valid indices of windows we can grab from each
        audio array or spectrogram.
    window_inds : numpy.ndarray
        Vector of all valid starting indices of all windows in the dataset.
        This vector is what is used by PyTorch to determine
        the number of samples in the dataset, via the
        ``WindowDataset.__len__`` method.
        Without cropping, a dataset with ``t`` total time bins
        across all audio arrays or spectrograms will have
        (``t`` - ``window_size``) possible windows
        with indices (0, 1, 2, ..., t-1).
        But cropping with ``crop_dur`` will
        remove some of these indices.
    from .class_ import WindowDataset  # avoid circular import

    # ---- pre-conditions
    if x_source not in constants.VALID_X_SOURCES:
        raise ValueError(
            f"`x_source` must be one of {constants.VALID_X_SOURCES} but was: {x_source}"
NickleDave commented 1 year ago

I ended up just pushing a branch "add-prep-audio-dataset" with changes I'd made in WindowDataset + helper for audio format, will find to incorporate those changes via git suffering later