vocdoni / interoperability

Private repository to manage the interoperability between protocol, API, SDK, UIs and documentation
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Flow faucet error #162

Closed jpaulet closed 3 months ago

jpaulet commented 4 months ago
  1. A la faucet podem fer q es permeti donar fins a 2 o 3 cops a la mateixa address la quantitat inicial de 5 tokens per crear l'account
  2. El flow de la UI s'ha d'adaptar, si ja has aconseguit un Faucet PKG, reutilitzar-lo i no demanar un de nou
  3. També al flow de la UI, comprovar abans d'anar a la faucet si tens suficients tokens per tirar la TX de Register SIK, si en tens no passar per la faucet
emmdim commented 4 months ago

Relevant flow: https://github.com/vocdoni/ui-scaffold/blob/develop/src/components/Account/Create.tsx#L158

emmdim commented 3 months ago

@elboletaire added an initial addaptation of including the faucet pacakge in account creation. https://github.com/vocdoni/ui-scaffold/pull/571

I am trying to understand what exactly uis the expected behaviour after this first step