vocdoni / interoperability

Private repository to manage the interoperability between protocol, API, SDK, UIs and documentation
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Plugin Status Review (09/05) #184

Open jpaulet opened 1 month ago

jpaulet commented 1 month ago

Image Image Image

URL: https://ipfs.eth.aragon.network/ipfs/QmQzDvUUJkUcNxbUyscYaV7N9PzBVLtvqUCkjpNdEQ1Cm3/#/daos/sepolia/0x77737ac1c365ed1204a78300a4046245ddece6cf/dashboard

Extra: Also, while scanning the token (+10 min), it shows "0". Can we add a "Scanning..." text after the "Token-based" if we detect that the token is still being scanned?.

GET https://census3-aragon.vocdoni.net/api/strategies/20/holders?pageSize=-1 [HTTP/2 404 387ms] Error: no token holders found

and once is scanned:

https://census3-aragon.vocdoni.net/api/strategies/undefined/holders?pageSize=-1 [HTTP/2 400 471ms] Error: malformed strategy ID, it must be an integer: strconv.Atoi: parsing "undefined": invalid syntax


selankon commented 1 month ago

Members count in the Dashboard & Members pages takes very long to appear and no cache seems to be used, as every time it takes more than 20 sec.. On top of that, it shows "0" but you see X members in the list :

I was debugging this and I think we have not an easy way to fix this. The number of holders is resolved when the census3 token call is done (here) and the list of holders goes with its own call (here).

So we cannot prevent which call is done first.

I added the isLoading state for the useCensus3Token hook to prevent showing nothing until finish loading.

selankon commented 1 month ago

Extra: Also, while scanning the token (+10 min), it shows "0". Can we add a "Scanning..." text after the "Token-based" if we detect that the token is still being scanned?.

This won't be needed when merged this from Notion issues:

2) Add a census3 scan check (in addition to subgraph check) to DAO pending screen to not allow user to advance until initial scan has completed.

This will show a (we are building your DAO) message until the scan is finished

selankon commented 1 month ago

Mint page error (when the token is not yet scanned):

Same as commented before. In Addition I did a fix to prevent the error you said