In order to improve the Github census type, we need to add more context to the organizer, explaining what this new census type can do and how to archive it, also giving visual tips and information.
[ ] Add the subtext to explain how the census works:
"Easily find and select GitHub users or organizations whose members you want to include in your census.
Note: Only public GitHub users are displayed, but you can directly add them by entering their GitHub username. If you select an organization, all its members will have voting access."
[ ] Use chakra-react-select (which should help with most of the following issues)
[ ] Add the "Search" icon in the search input.
[ ] Add the "(org)" text and icon in the items that are organizations
[ ] Add the "user" icon next to the items that are users.
[ ] Add a "x" icon in the search input that clears the input when clicked (right side of the input)
[ ] When selecting a organization, add the (org) text in the card that appears below.
[ ] Change the text to "Organizations & Users selected:"
[ ] When the user is not found, add a new row that explains it "theUserName user not found (perhaps it's not public). Click here to include it in the census anyway." and let include it on the list with the searched name and the "not found user" image (see image nº 2).
Github Census:
In order to improve the Github census type, we need to add more context to the organizer, explaining what this new census type can do and how to archive it, also giving visual tips and information.
user not found (perhaps it's not public). Click here to include it in the census anyway." and let include it on the list with the searched name and the "not found user" image (see image nº 2).Visual references: 1: 2: