voceconnect / cms-press

WordPress Plugin
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Meta Box Control #14

Open unsalkorkmaz opened 14 years ago

unsalkorkmaz commented 14 years ago

Hi, http://wordpress.org/extend/plugins/more-fields/ is plugin and latest beta version of this: http://labs.dagensskiva.com/wp-content/plugins/more-fields/more-fields-14b3.zip Plugin not supported well but some ideas really good and need. When you install some plugins, they creating meta boxes on post edit section. I would like to disable some of those meta boxes againts clients. I think cms-press can handle to disable those metax boxes like "more fields" plugin.

prettyboymp commented 14 years ago

There were a lot of changes in the way meta box handling was done in WordPress 3.0, especially with the addition of post_type_supports(). My goal is to submit some patches for 3.1 that will simplify the registration of supported meta handlers similar to that of the widget system. Once this is in core, it will open up the ability for cms-press to recognize meta handlers other plugins add since there will finally be a standardized way of working with them.