voceconnect / multi-post-thumbnails

Adds multiple post thumbnails to a post type. If you've ever wanted more than one Featured Image on a post, this plugin is for you.
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(Solved! Thanks @chrisscott) Not functioning as usual. #81

Closed unfinishedCode closed 8 years ago

unfinishedCode commented 8 years ago

I've used this plugin in the past, it worked great! Unfortunately, it isn't functioning as expected. When I click the add second featured image link, the current edit screen is just refreshed, the media lightbox does not open.

chrisscott commented 8 years ago

Do you get any javascript errors in the console?

unfinishedCode commented 8 years ago

Yes, they are: ReferenceError: jQuery is not defined...wp-admin/load-scripts.php:10:25 TypeError: wp.media is undefined...wp-content/plugins/multiple-post/thumbnails/js/media-modal.js:9:3 TypeError: wp.media is undefined...wp-admin/load-scripts.php:386:4795

I'm guessing it's the middle one, as that is the only file loaded by your plugin, the other two are loaded by Wordpress. Just a guess though. Thanks for your time and help.

chrisscott commented 8 years ago

Do you see requests in the network panel for those js files? If so, are they giving 200 or 404 or 500 or...? And if they are 404ing, what are the paths? It may be the path detection isn't working.

unfinishedCode commented 8 years ago

The first gives a 200, the second a 304, and the third a 200.

chrisscott commented 8 years ago

The ReferenceError: jQuery is not defined...wp-admin/load-scripts.php:10:25 part seems like something may be unregistering/unqueuing jQuery. If you disable all other plugins, do you still see the same error? Also, have you forced+refresh to clear your browser cache or tested on other browsers? Finally, what version of the plugin and WordPress are you using?

unfinishedCode commented 8 years ago

Yes I have cleared my browser's cache. I have tested by disabling all other plugins. I actively use the latest Firefox, running on the latest OSX, but have also tried testing in the latest Chrome. The issue still persists.

unfinishedCode commented 8 years ago

I solved it! I think anyways. I had jquery being deregistered on the admin in my functions file. It was a leftover snippet, from a previous application I built. This will teach my to test my theme first. Thanks for your time! I really appreciate it.