vocol / mobivoc

A vocabulary for future-oriented mobility solutions and value-added services supporting them.
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Add gas station #26

Open clange opened 9 years ago

clange commented 9 years ago

The basics can be found in

We can introduce a new class, which is owl:equivalentClass to the above (and thus "inherits" all of the properties of the classes above).

The MobiVoc gas station and the existing MobiVoc charging point class should have a common superclass (e.g. "point of energy supply" – please make up a better name!).

The GoodRelations vocabulary may have further useful properties, e.g. payment-related ones. (There is no gas station in GoodRelations, but there are things that would be good superclasses of the MobiVoc gas station class.)

seebi commented 6 years ago

@aweilandt is this still an issue?

np00 commented 5 years ago

Gas stations like the one described are currently not part of MobiVoc.

Since they are not currently needed, I would wait until the use case arises and add them. The schema.org class seems to be a very good start to be linked to or to be included.

I will leave this issues open until we have a clearer scope on what MobiVoc should cover (for now) and which is maybe not needed right now.