vodkabears / Remodal

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Go to a link in Confirm button #272

Open MonsterDeveloper opened 7 years ago

MonsterDeveloper commented 7 years ago

How to go to the link with confirm button? I set data-remodal-options="closeOnConfirm: false so it will not close when i press button. I tried <button data-remodal-action="confirm" class="remodal-confirm"><a href="">OK</a></button> and <a href=""><button data-remodal-action="confirm" class="remodal-confirm">OK</button></a> but nothing works. I want when i press the button it redirects me to

BrianaCran commented 7 years ago

Hi, if you still need help try this: Switch out confirm button with: <a class="remodal-confirm" href="googlewebaddress">Go to Google</a>

Should do the trick.