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Project management (goals, tasks, pain, issues, requirements...) #19

Open maxim-ge opened 1 year ago

maxim-ge commented 1 year ago

The purpose of requirements management is to ensure product development goals are successfully met. It is a set of techniques for documenting, analyzing, prioritizing, and agreeing on requirements so that engineering teams always have current and approved requirements.


At the root, a pain point is something that a customer is aware of (if you’re lucky), and which bothers them. It’s a problem waiting for a solution. What’s a Pain Point? A Guide for Startups

So how do you make sure you identify valid requirements? The key is to uncover the right underlying pains. Identifying valid requirements but it’s hard when a stakeholder can’t articulate the underlying business needs or insists on a specific solution. In this post I’ll explain how you can uncover pains which will show you the business needs. Target Pains to Nail the Requirements

Goal vs Task (by ChatGPT)

"Goal" and "task" are terms often used in planning, project management, and everyday conversation, but they refer to different concepts. Understanding the distinctions between them is essential for effective organization, prioritization, and achievement in both professional and personal settings. Here's how they differ:

  1. Goal:
  1. Task:

In essence, a goal is what you want to achieve, and tasks are the steps you must take to get there. Tasks comprise the short-term actions and to-dos that, when combined, help you reach the long-term, strategic outcomes set as goals. By effectively organizing and completing tasks, you make progress toward achieving your goals. This relationship is why careful planning, task management, and time management are crucial in both personal development and organizational success.


In simple terms, Scrum Epic in Agile Methodology is a big chunk of work which can be divided into smaller user stories. An Epic can be spread across sprints and even across agile teams. An Epic can be a high-level description of what the client wants, and accordingly, it has some value attached to it. As we mentioned, an Epic is a high-level requirement, hence its scope can change over the course of time.
