voerro / laravel-visitor-tracker

Visitor tracker and statistics for Laravel 5.5+ (abandoned for the time being, feel free to take over)
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Cant track geodata #5

Closed sfuentes-90 closed 6 years ago

sfuentes-90 commented 6 years ago

I changed the .ENV values to simulate production enviroment

APP_NAME=Petsell APP_ENV=staging APP_KEY=base64:............. APP_DEBUG=false APP_LOG_LEVEL=debug APP_URL=http://xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx (my real IP address)

but the database isn't logging geoip info (country, country code, lon, lat, city)

any help please, I already tried with both drivers (userinfo.io and freegeoip.net)

AlexMordred commented 6 years ago

Did it happen after you switched to production?

sfuentes-90 commented 6 years ago

I was testing the geolocation in my testing enviroment... searching in the src files I deleted the if statement that prevent the geolocation in testing

thanks anyway

AlexMordred commented 6 years ago

Oh, I see. I'm glad you've figured it out.