vogler75 / automation-gateway

A OPC UA gateway which gives you access to your OPC UA values via MQTT or GraphQL (HTTP). If you have an OPC UA server in your PLC, or a SCADA system with an OPC UA server, you can query data from there via MQTT and GraphQL (HTTP). In addition, the gateway can also log value changes from OPC UA nodes in an InfluxDB, IoTDB, Kafka, and others.
GNU General Public License v3.0
197 stars 31 forks source link

Influxdb v2 #7

Closed manprinsen closed 1 week ago

manprinsen commented 1 week ago


I am truly amazed but this project! Awesome work :)

Is influxdb version 2 supported? I have not found any in the example config files :/

vogler75 commented 1 week ago

Good point, to be honest I haven't yet used 2.x. InfluxDB changed a lot in between version. Need to test it.

vogler75 commented 1 week ago

Database: use the "Bucket" name which you have created in Influx.
Username: seems to be not used, but it must not be empty!
Password: use the Token which you have created in Influx.

    - Id: influx
      Url: http://linux0.rocworks.local:8086
      Database: Rocworks
      Username: "-"
      Password: "7a2HbAPcWSHNQP8Z7sxnjRlTrOCJxuoNoNJlY-23Fu2pT81sTjfijelwjoQKKQz31taWLSKUXFU4-sHaTFBmLA=="
        - Topic: opc/demo1/path/Objects/Dynamic/#
vogler75 commented 1 week ago

it works, see comment before.