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2022-08 文章推荐 #2

Open wongoo opened 1 year ago

wongoo commented 1 year ago

今天是 2022-08-01 Monday

This is my homeland. If I don't fight for it, who will?


wongoo commented 1 year ago

今天是 2022-08-02 Tuesday

Life is not always a matter of holding good cards, but sometimes, playing a poor hand well.


wongoo commented 1 year ago

今天是 2022-08-03 Wednesday

Shoot for the moon; even if you miss, you'll land among the stars.


wongoo commented 1 year ago

今天是 2022-08-04 Thursday

The deepest and heaviest love must grow up with the time.


wongoo commented 1 year ago

今天是 2022-08-05 Friday

If a man has no dream, what is the difference between him and salted fish?


wongoo commented 1 year ago

今天是 2022-08-06 Saturday

You are not ordinary; you are born to stand out.


wongoo commented 1 year ago

今天是 2022-08-07 Sunday

Autumn carries more gold in its pocket than all the other seasons.


wongoo commented 1 year ago

今天是 2022-08-08 Monday

To lost in something you love is better than to win in something you hate.


wongoo commented 1 year ago

今天是 2022-08-09 Tuesday

Many people will walk in and out of your life, but only true friends will leave footprints in your heart.


wongoo commented 1 year ago

今天是 2022-08-10 Wednesday

Praise is like sunlight to the human spirit; we cannot flower and grow without it.


wongoo commented 1 year ago

今天是 2022-08-11 Thursday

The truth is a beautiful and terrible thing, and should therefore be treated with great caution.


wongoo commented 1 year ago

今天是 2022-08-12 Friday

Death is not the end of life, forgetting is.


wongoo commented 1 year ago

今天是 2022-08-13 Saturday

If time being of all things the most precious, wasting time must be the greatest prodigality.


wongoo commented 1 year ago

今天是 2022-08-14 Sunday

Don't stop. Don't hide. Follow the light, and you'll find tomorrow.


wongoo commented 1 year ago

今天是 2022-08-15 Monday

Patience is bitter, but its fruit is sweet.


wongoo commented 1 year ago

今天是 2022-08-16 Tuesday

It is no use doing what you like; you have got to like what you do.


wongoo commented 1 year ago

今天是 2022-08-17 Wednesday

lt's better to light a candle than curse the darkness.


wongoo commented 1 year ago

今天是 2022-08-18 Thursday

If you can't handle failure, then you can't handle success either.


wongoo commented 1 year ago

今天是 2022-08-19 Friday

There is light at the end of the tunnel.


wongoo commented 1 year ago

今天是 2022-08-20 Saturday

It's not the travelling. It's the arriving that matters.


wongoo commented 1 year ago

今天是 2022-08-21 Sunday

Everybody is somebody. Even a nobody.


wongoo commented 1 year ago

今天是 2022-08-22 Monday

Life's too short to hold grudges.


wongoo commented 1 year ago

今天是 2022-08-23 Tuesday

Easy times create weak men. Weak men create tough times.


wongoo commented 1 year ago

今天是 2022-08-24 Wednesday

Don't just sit at home, or the life of your dreams will sail right past you.


wongoo commented 1 year ago

今天是 2022-08-25 Thursday

They who cannot do as they would, must do as they can.


wongoo commented 1 year ago

今天是 2022-08-26 Friday

Nothing in this world that's worth having comes easy.


wongoo commented 1 year ago

今天是 2022-08-27 Saturday

Goals determine what you're going to be.


wongoo commented 1 year ago

今天是 2022-08-28 Sunday

Each man is the architect of his own fate.


wongoo commented 1 year ago

今天是 2022-08-29 Monday

Never compromise. Not even in the face of armageddon.


wongoo commented 1 year ago

今天是 2022-08-30 Tuesday

A little of every thing is nothing in the main.


wongoo commented 1 year ago

今天是 2022-08-31 Wednesday

Wisdom is to the mind what health is to the body.
