voice-engine / ec

Echo Canceller, part of Voice Engine project
GNU General Public License v3.0
240 stars 69 forks source link

Echo Cancellation Demo #14

Open DmitryMyadzelets opened 4 years ago

DmitryMyadzelets commented 4 years ago

If I've understood correctly, this echo canceller should work on any machin with a mic and speakers. So, I'd be grateful to see a set of instructions which demonstrate how echo occurs without echo cancellation, and how things change when the ec does its job.

For instance, I use GStreamer, and with following command I can definetly here the echo.

gst-launch-1.0 alsasrc device=default ! alsasink device=default

Another way to get echo:

arecord | aplay

How to cancel the echo?

StuartIanNaylor commented 4 years ago

? Echo is due to having media playing when recording. Like on a laptop the mic signal can become swamped by the music playing through speakers. This using a filter to remove what was playing from the mic input and seems to work really well. You have to have a card that has both playback & capture so they are on the same clock it doesn't work with different cards for playback & capture say Pi embedded playback and USB capture.

The instructions on the front page work for me.

DmitryMyadzelets commented 4 years ago

@StuartIanNaylor The "before" and "after" demo would be highly appreciated.

StuartIanNaylor commented 4 years ago

