voiceip / tinyphone

Minimalist Windows / OSx / Linux SIP Softphone with API Control
GNU General Public License v3.0
114 stars 36 forks source link

Build Issues on Windows using Visual Studio 2019 #90

Open tedtalksbits opened 3 months ago

tedtalksbits commented 3 months ago


Encountered multiple build errors when trying to compile the tinyphone project on Windows using Visual Studio 2019.

Steps to Reproduce

  1. Open Visual Studio 2019.
  2. Clone the repository.
  3. Click on tinyphone.sln to open the solution.
  4. Right-click on the Solution 'tinyphone' and build.

Expected Behavior

The project builds without errors.

Actual Behavior

Received multiple errors during the build process.

Error Details

Error 1: Building MFC application with /MD[d] (CRT dll version) requires MFC shared dll version. Please #define _AFXDLL or do not use

File: afx.h
Line: 24

Error 2: CMake Error running 'C:/Program Files (x86)/Microsoft Visual

Studio/2019/Community/Common7/IDE/CommonExtensions/Microsoft/CMake/Ninja/ninja.exe'. Error: ninja: error: build.ninja:743: multiple rules generate src/bcg729.lib [-w dupbuild=err].

Error 3: Cannot open include file: 'statsd.hpp': No such file or directory.

Project: statsd-cpp
File: statsd.cpp
Line: 12

Error 4: Cannot open include file: 'wcautil.h': No such file or directory.

Project: installer-actions
File: actions.cpp
Line: 5

Error 5: Cannot open include file: 'wcautil.h': No such file or directory.

Project: installer-actions
File: LogResult.cpp
Line: 6


Any help or guidance on resolving these build issues would be greatly appreciated.

kingster commented 3 months ago


You would need to follow the build steps which builds the dependencies that is required.

Here are the steps from the CI https://github.com/voiceip/tinyphone/blob/master/.github/workflows/main.yml#L15-L65

Build Documentation is something that is outdated in the README.md, and probably would need to be made more detailed os wise. For Linux the wiki has the steps https://github.com/voiceip/tinyphone/wiki/Compiling , however for windows and osx there isn't any direct page, however the CI yaml definition has the steps.