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Consider a new installer for Void #87

Closed gevera closed 3 years ago

gevera commented 4 years ago

There are issues with the current Void installer. Like the absence of LUKS on top of LLVM. Also, some users report trouble with partitioning.

There are alternatives that could be implemented. One of them is ArchLabs installer. https://bitbucket.org/archlabslinux/installer/src/master/

It lacks any of the issues stated above, plus it is more advanced and looks better.

Please consider the switch. Thank you

bobertlo commented 4 years ago

Could you elaborate on the trouble with partitioning?

gevera commented 4 years ago

When I was installing on top of older distro I didn't have the option to choose GPT, basically, the installer skipped the partition type chooser.

It took me straight to cfdisk. So whatever I did after that didn't had an effect. I had to load a different live distro, had to create a new partition table with gparted on the hard drive, and only after that go all over again with the void installer. This is frustrating.

Apparently this happens more often. Here are some comments on distrowatch regarding the installer

Duncaen commented 4 years ago

It took me straight to cfdisk. So whatever I did after that didn't had an effect. I had to load a different live distro, had to create a new partition table with gparted on the hard drive, and only after that go all over again with the void installer. This is frustrating.


The problem with issues like this is that you have to find someone who wants to actually work on the installer. I think everyone agrees that there is room for improvements, but there is no one who stepped up to actually work on it.


unintuitive installer (command line installer like Arch OR graphical installer like calamares should be preferred)

And comments like this are just wrong, there is not problem using xbps-install to do a arch like command line install. All the more extensive guides for i.e. luks etc do exactly this.

leahneukirchen commented 4 years ago

command line installer like Arch

This is roughly what xvoidstrap of xtools provides.

ghost commented 4 years ago

I agree. I migrated from Xubuntu -> Void

Partition & Filesystems were the confusing steps in the ncurses installer for GPT/EFI. You could get more users by easing (automating if possible) this process.

the-maldridge commented 4 years ago

This is a common misconception about void. We aren't driven by some pursuit of popularity or more users, we're driven by building high quality software. You may find at times that these goals naturally line up (a system that doesn't break every time you update it) and sometimes diverge (an installer that requires an understanding of the underlying processes).

ghost commented 4 years ago

I am aware about the high quality software bit (BSD roots, not including garbage in the package index). It is the reason I took the leap of faith from LTS to rolling. I feel Void Linux is too underrated. Making it easier to install will bring more users which may bring more donations, mirrors, testers, bug reports and what not.

Btw, Thank you to the developers for this blazing fast OS. :)

pinpox commented 4 years ago

This is a common misconception about void. We aren't driven by some pursuit of popularity or more users, we're driven by building high quality software. You may find at times that these goals naturally line up (a system that doesn't break every time you update it) and sometimes diverge (an installer that requires an understanding of the underlying processes).

Came here to suggest a guided partitioning with or without luks to be added to the existing installer. I fully agree with the quote above, but since there already is a (quite nice) text-based installer, a submenu for guided and manual partitioning would be a nice addition. There might be cases where more special partitioning is required, but 90% of the time I end up doing the same partitioning scheme for my machines.

I'm willing to contribute this feature, but would like to know first if that is something you would consider merging at all.

Since there already is a partitioning entry in the void-installer I would suggest a menu structure like:

├── Partition Disk
    ├── Guided
    |   └── Select LVM, LUKS, separate root partition, swap options, hit go
    └── Manual
        └── Open cfdisk like at the moment


Let me know what you think and if/how I can help get this done

hippi777 commented 4 years ago

hi folks! :)

edit: after i sent this, ive seen the mentioned arch installer, it is promising and somewhat similar, thx! :)

as i already mentioned it somewhere around here (under a git issue of whichever void repo and issue :D ), im working on one, but ive seen a huge amount of installers and wikis (near to and far from void; mostly shell based things, but perl and python were on the list as well; ive read like the ~3/4 of the internet to make this happen :D ) and mine will be a yet another one...

the hardest thing of all is the fs, where no consensus exists, with ~unlimited possibilities, and that has the highest complexity, as that takes at least a tree or maybe even a graph to be represented ideally, and bash is ... well, bash.. :D it can solve anything, but it always takes some hacking... also, ive seen no other configs for filesystems than very basic ones, if any, while i use a large amount of the settings to get optimal results :D my approach to solve this complexity around filesystems in bash is to make flavors (currently 1 :D ), pick one, and if possible, then make one of them more flexible instead of making yet another... this could be improved, and suggestions are welcome, but i dunno if i wanna put that much effort into it or not....

accordingly, just to see my motivations, limits and whatever: (((im living on a 8g pendrive with an installed deb10 on it for a couple of months now and i would be happy to be ready with it sooner than later, and to finally see my 1st ssd in action with void (story: my hdd died, i decided to make the best system ever, or at least the funds that would hurt to be messed with after ive built my new empire on top of them...) and i also have much other things to do, but simple things could be fine for improving that fs stuff that i mentioned above, or otherwise i could leave somoe notes there so when it will be public, then others may do it, or whatever.... also, i have a universal app in lua, called to be Szoszi, that is still private, and i would be more happy to migrate there, but i wanted to make this public when its done, while Szoszi will take much time to be ready to see the sunlight, and my tools there relying upon each other too much to be able to simply extract some bits from here and there, so i took bash to be able to make this installer public when its ready, while by the time maybe i will abandon this in favor to that, or do it parallel with much fewer focus on this... whatever... )))

more about the installer:

this will only ask for the password of a loopback luks container (if not already opened) for the things that are better to be kept secure (passwords (luks+users), luks header backups, whatever...) to either create or open it, and then the rest will be automatized, so it wont need any more interactions! :) the whole stuff is based on a config (or two, to override bits of the 1st one; where the 1st kinda configs represent systems (as a flavor, or as a machine specific stuff), the latter represents installations (minor modifications for different machines or different times of installation...)), these config stuffs are neither sanity-checked nor created automatically, but they could be, so in that case, the installer could be used by the mere mortals as well, now its kinda much of a techie stuff, just with much guidance written in comments... :D by creating the config automatically, i mean that it could get an interactive component to create the config, and as a gratis, next time ppl will only need to start the installer and then get back their previous system :D

also, i think it takes no much effort to make it work under different distros and to assemble different distros (package names could be the greatest issue...) so i think it can become something awesome (or bloated trashware), but i realized that this is a thing that is urgent for everyone when its time to make it happen, and then they dont care when they have their system up and running, so i dunno what will be the future of this, but as of now, i think its promising :)

pinpox commented 4 years ago

@hippi777 is there a link to your project where we can see it?

hippi777 commented 4 years ago

i will upload it whenever i will be ready, but now im hacking it all around, and i dont care now about version management and things like that (not like i would be fluent in any of those X'D that would hold back my slow progress even more... :D ) also, its still nowhere to be usable, im still only about to finalize the fs related stuffs, the rest have a huge amount of mostly copypaste based notes, so in the current form its not even a thing that could make me proud :D otherwise i know ppl could help me, but i wanna give it a basic shape according my own taste and while others could help here, they would hold me back there... so i dont hope for big win from that as well...

actually i wrote that in case if this is not in a big hurry, but on the contrary, i dunno how much more time i will spend on it, and i have a very high load, like daily ~100 mail threads (most from void, but others as well) 400+ tabs waiting for me in firefox, and what not, now i will read those two mentioned installers as well for example, then i will try my last 2 guessed to solve an issue with bash and strings :D , and in the meantime probably i will try to reduce my mails, and hope for nothing else to come ... (spoiler: adhd :D )

hippi777 commented 4 years ago

i just finished to read https://bitbucket.org/archlabslinux/installer/src/master/ .... uhm, how to be polite? imho most of it is trash :D the "puppy genesis" gave me a similar feeling recently, but thats somewhat better :D i hope for a better experience with calamares.....

edit: i can already tell no. but pain is gain, i will read some more.... (ok, its much better, but still... :D )

edit/2: (((d-i is really sophisticated and (mostly) well-crafted and it doesnt feel like it would be written by dilettanti, but its really debian specific, and it would hurt to reshape it or to consult with it too much, cuz on the one hand it has nice colorful options and much covered corner-cases, but on the other hand, its fundamentally more overengineered than it would be necessary, and feels like a typical industrial legacy bloatware :D btw probably i wont read more installers/wikis, even if i would know some areas to look after more, and i already read too much of them... most are untold... :D )))

while reading d-i, i realized two very important things about mine... one thing is that it will probably have a very high fluctuation, so one will need to save a copy of the installer alongside their config, (that isnt a big deal), and maybe rework it in case of an update, or just play with a legacy copy, and this can take away the fun partially from having a JustWorks^TM installer... the other thing is that my fs flavor concept must be reworked, as it would probably evolve into too many of them, and an option tree would be really required, and i believe that arrays cant be embedded into other arrays in bash, however i feel like they will be the answer beside ${!var} and prefixed globals with some good naming convention, so trees can be simulated with these... :D but bash is about evil hacks anyhow... :D (currently i dont even use arrays to pack them...) and the point is that theres some chance that i wont make that now (maybe u?), so im not sure if u should wait for me or not or whatever, but at least it will carry some nice gems, as i really did my homework, just i realized how much other things are waiting for me and i already spent more time on this than sane ppl would do..... anyhow, i will be around for any purpose, and i will make this at least work, even if it wont be near to be production-ready...

pinpox commented 4 years ago

I just got a pull-request merged for calamares to support the xbps package manager: https://github.com/calamares/calamares/pull/1431

Would anyone be interested in helping me build a calamares install iso for void to test out how well it works?

hippi777 commented 4 years ago


i have trees in bash!!!!!!!

they can be passed by reference, i can dump them (not implemented), i can tell if something is unset/primitive(string)/array(associative, but could be used as numeric arrays like in lua :D or could be made into a matter of switch, but why after the former possibility? :D ) parent nodes can be accessed, namespaces can be used to prevent collision of identical root elements (i wont use more than 1, just its possible :D ) ... this is more than enough, i only need to set things once, get them back, and list node keys, but i still dont have a function to get the length of a node (all keys/array keys) and i wanna make a delete stuff, cuz if i would insert anything in place of a node, then it wouldnt remove its branch, but only the actual item... so far so good, i can make the installer universal and i can rework the fs flavor stuff that currently cant even reorder things or change single component (like an ext4 partition to xfs) without the need to derivate a new flavor, but only sizes, labels, and some exposed options can be changed as of now... and that wasnt enough fun... now bash started a new era with trees X'D (secretly i still hate u bash! X'D ) im not sure, but i think it could be possible to rework it to work even on dash (ive got only 2 other bashisms, a trivial, and a maybe trivial), but then based on strings instead of arrays, but i dont care right now that much... i shouldnt even make a deleter function to make my installer happy, but i want to... and to make this whole thing cool, i will release it alongside my void installer, cuz i wouldnt be enough happy if anything else would use it before the void installer (thats a lie, cuz it was already possible to add other package managers/init systems/whatever with less headache than the fs mess could be :D but void rulz) btw.... it can be serialized (into bash source :D ), so options can be saved in case of making an interactive frontend, but thats most likely an exercise for anybody else to make that happen (not really a big deal), just like the interactive installer... i like the handmade config as i liked it before :D

ps: i already dont really worry about fluctuation, maybe in the early times, when ppl will start to experiment with it... now i only need to make it into a thing :D

pinpox commented 4 years ago


hippi777 commented 4 years ago

im on the way :D that heuristic was a missing component to make my void installer flexible, and with that, wide variety of tastes can be satisfied :)

gevera commented 3 years ago

im on the way :D that heuristic was a missing component to make my void installer flexible, and with that, wide variety of tastes can be satisfied :)

Any updates on this? Should I keep it open?

hippi777 commented 3 years ago

its just that im extremely busy with everything...

release: really dont hold ur breathe, but i will try my best to inform the void community whenever i will be ready, if i will find this issue, then i will leave a ping here, even if it will be closed, and probably i will ping on reddit too, and im open to other suggestions as well.

status: i have/had really much other stuffs to do as well, but the relevant part is that i have a reasonably polished set of basic tools that i needed (even a bit more, just to make them more complete, as these are actually universal libs) and now i need to rebase my already mostly done fs related tools from very much inflexible globals to this tree based config i made available, and that is passed by reference. i also need some minor math for partitions and lvm; and i have a smaller amount of organized notes for the actual installation from all the related sources i could find (various installers and wikis), that needs no much effort, and a huge amount of other messy notes that may contain some gems, and will take some hours just to skim them... :D some other possible work that maybe i will address before releasing is discussed below.

[TL;DR: the details after the initial statements (up to the 1st semicolon or full stop) can be skipped at will] what to expect:

the-maldridge commented 3 years ago

As there are efforts beyond the scope of -mklive to provide an installer, I'm going to go ahead and close this thread.