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albert: calculator functionality will not load: undefined symbol in /usr/lib/albert/plugins/libcalculator.so #1438

Closed fusion809 closed 6 years ago

fusion809 commented 6 years ago


Expected behaviour

I was expecting Albert to allow for calculations in it (e.g. I could try out this example in it — https://camo.githubusercontent.com/0d47fbc5b2eaabb4444db79a5508ed8439100f4d/68747470733a2f2f692e696d6775722e636f6d2f42614d6c5769742e6a7067) when the option was enabled in its settings window, i.e. this:



Actual behaviour

This option could not be enabled and gave the error:

albert: symbol lookup error: /usr/lib/albert/plugins/libcalculator.so: undefined symbol: _ZN2mu10ParserBase7SetExprERKNSt7__cxx1112basic_stringIcSt11char_traitsIcESaIcEEE

when I tried to enable it. A variation on this error can also be seen in the screenshot above.

Steps to reproduce the behavior

  1. Install Albert
  2. Launch Albert, e.g. from a terminal (which would also allow you to see the above error in the terminal as well).
  3. In the settings Albert will direct you to adjust, go to the "Extensions" tab and tick the box next to "Calculator" this error should then appear.
pullmoll commented 6 years ago

Should be solved by rebuilding albert with the gcc libstdc++ that dropped gcc4 compatibility. If the update does not work, please open this issue again.

fusion809 commented 6 years ago

I tried manually compiling it locally, uninstalling the packaged version, then installing my local version and it didn't fix it so I wouldn't imagine it would.

pullmoll commented 6 years ago

Ok, then it's got to be one of the dependencies which needs a rebuild, probably muparser or libqalculate - or both.

Edit: It looks like it's muparser, because qalculate was already rebuilt.

pullmoll commented 6 years ago

After updating muparser albert works as expected here.

fusion809 commented 6 years ago

Same here. Took me a little while to check it out as for some reason xbps-src tries to download xorgproto-2018.4_1 instead of _2 for me when building albert and this error has been occurring for probably the past six hours now (https://forum.voidlinux.org/t/failed-to-download-xorgproto-2018-4-1-device-or-resource-busy/6392).

Hoshpak commented 6 years ago

This issue is documented in #1402 . Building the packages so you have them in you local repository usually helps around that. At least two packages will also need a rebuild for the muparser rebuild. I am currently testing and will open a PR shortly. #1439