void-linux / void-packages

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[package request] BespokeSynth #36424

Open IcedQuinn opened 2 years ago

IcedQuinn commented 2 years ago


A FOSS modular synthesizer/DAW. Or as the author describes it, "Ableton Live if i smashed it with a bat and asked you to put it back together."

I've compiled this locally and am willing to package/PR it myself if approved. It contains some vendored dependencies and extricating them could be awkward. Music stuff is usually rejected by package management for this reason.

notthewave commented 2 years ago

there is probably patching required for musl as it complains about locale stuff while compiling

IcedQuinn commented 2 years ago


right. i don't have a musl install on hand to test that with. i know on alpine some of the synths (surge) were a disaster (i was able to patch JUCE and build it, but they would crash on start for other reasons) but on glibc distros they work fine.