void-linux / void-packages

The Void source packages collection
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[tracking] remaining Python 2 packages #38229

Open classabbyamp opened 1 year ago

classabbyamp commented 1 year ago





waiting on infrastructure migration - [ ] buildbot - [ ] buildbot-slave - [ ] python-Jinja2 - [ ] python-MarkupSafe - [ ] python-PyHamcrest - [ ] python-SQLAlchemy - [ ] python-Twisted - [ ] python-attrs - [ ] python-automat - [ ] python-cffi - [ ] python-constantly - [ ] python-cryptography - [ ] python-dateutil - [ ] python-decorator - [ ] python-enum34 - [ ] python-hyperlink - [ ] python-idna - [ ] python-incremental - [ ] python-ipaddress - [ ] python-openssl - [ ] python-pbr - [ ] python-ply - [ ] python-pyasn1 - [ ] python-pyasn1-modules - [ ] python-pycparser - [ ] python-service_identity - [ ] python-six - [ ] python-sqlalchemy-migrate - [ ] python-sqlparse - [ ] python-tempita - [ ] python-zope.interface
completed - [x] GCP-Guest-Environment - #39563 - [x] GConf - #46334 - [x] Pyrex - #39561 - [x] ampache - #38973 - [x] android-studio - #45676 - [x] apache-ant - ab5d182771 - [x] apache-directory-studio-bin - c07689d6 - [x] armagetronad - bcbeca14 - [x] audacity - e86d23fddf8c6c2137e7380a5eb930900effd3f8 - [x] bluefish (build option) - #38607 - [x] boinc - a094163dae2c295f25b92c8760b81e9bdb296b26 - [x] bookworm - #46627 - [x] boost - #38949 - [x] boswars - 909c7f0677 - [x] cbang - #41962 - [x] cegui - #38614 - [x] cegui07 (build option) - #38614 - [x] chromium - #38434 - [x] chronograf - 98eef89426ad7175e0dd8021deb073daaa3c904e - [x] claws-mail - #38559 - [x] couchpotato - #39458 - [x] cppcms - bd1420246 - [x] csound - c93ae341acde997b7e302245e440754d8a75f6e0 - [x] dispcalGUI - #44849, #46237 - [x] eclipse - #46515 - [x] ecryptfs-utils-python (subpackage) - #45584 - [x] electron13 - #39921 - [x] electron19 - 4c0a7cacc32e43f6959181bd591b95d4243d19c8 - [x] electron24 - 235934769a5bfb6a33b8049f256eb389d53ae7f4 - [x] escrotum - #40072 - [x] fah - a68225016c52bf6fc891097a2613ee3871533634 - [x] farstream - #38612 - [x] firefox - #39387 - [x] firefox-esr - #39677 - [x] flightgear - #46515 - [x] flowcanvas - fa055fe6000356b4272349a88f3ac9e4fd755fb1 - [x] freedroidRPG - #46508 - [x] gcc6 - #46484 - [x] geda - #46509 - [x] getmail - #39459 - [x] ghidra - #49886 - [x] gimp - #43881 - [x] gnubg - 786ed9374ca5538f1f41710a101e928cae511988 - [x] grass - #40347 - [x] gtk+ - 1c83c72da159e9220dd426cb90e73fbdced1614f - [x] gtkpod - fcb27ef030 - [x] gtksourceview2 - #46515 - [x] julia - #39919 - [x] kaffeine - 51d22db831f63e3983a70726ae48a8b19ccb57d9 - [x] kcachegrind - #46515 - [x] kdesignerplugin - 225545f61588f23749714599eab52d9c5459f105 - [x] kdiagram - b040e799b82272c9c7a572538828ff2f69a37f70 - [x] kinit - 4c8ab251fbe4bfbd321e181b5144ff2c09cb4881 - [x] kio - 5ddaaf473e0725b761af0835f300c6adb7eb9504 - [x] kjsembed - 7057418703b56d59544153715b972470efc14272 - [x] konversation - 262a2cccc48d29358458507e8a77bdab560ac32a - [x] kronometer - 1774d75aed6bbf04cd0d209ec50249c459bb02b9 - [x] kross - 8b2416061516c6c17d6b47571eaa59001903183f - [x] ktoblzcheck - #38625 - [x] ladish - #46307 - [x] lensfun - #38950 - [x] libaom - 269ad158539780ca384e9404292548cec94c9055 - [x] libappindicator - #42263 - [x] libdbusmenu-glib - #46515 - [x] libfirm - 80b067a8721e2b377290624661f254f2bdce15e0 - [x] libglade - #43881 - [x] libogdf - 28d583c64c67f1d955ea99a46f767b6accd44e95 - [x] libosmocore - 2d4ab50adc5d6d851a8afc7a0f1cfc28b944174d - [x] libpqxx - 600757b27056f39d9a533e0199a8c0bad0e915b8 - [x] libproxy-python (subpackage) - #43883 - [x] librsvg - 33d3fc7b0a40f6c8d23831d60b31ff2f6cd1d639 - [x] libselinux - 5d2bc4f4176fa0888239abed6926c60b09549097 - [x] linux4.14 - 8b35257c2c - [x] liquidwar - #39046 - [x] mc - #38079 - [x] meson - #39071 - [x] mimms - #39460 - [x] minikube - 6d9b047a585ae480ac08bfc36e61d05f99821097 - [x] miro-video-converter - #39461 - [x] moosefs - #44384 - [x] mozjs78 - #46525 - [x] netpbm - 04491c47ebee8a74a1dd166eecca7ed1c88ec8d7 - [x] nitroshare - #46515 - [x] nmap - #44262 - [x] nutty - #38681 - [x] odroid-u2-kernel - #46493 - [x] offlineimap - #38781 - [x] okteta - 190a085d5482dc841db6e9ef45ad17477732c495 - [x] openbabel - 578a6df46553cc15e8552b208c8c44ddf848af52 - [x] opencv - #38628 - [x] opencv4 - #38628 - [x] opendkim - #46492 - [x] openlierox - #43882 - [x] openmsx - #39564 - [x] pidgin - #46490 - [x] pilot-link - #39462 - [x] pinktrace - #46302 - [x] playonlinux - eeb9324b4ea292b8c94c2d4d94358b003d2d0973 - [x] plex-media-server - #40464 - [x] purple-plugin-pack - #46490 - [x] pygtk - #43881 - [x] python-Cython - #43881 - [x] python-atomicwrites - #39457 - [x] python-backports - #39457 - [x] python-backports.configparser - #39457 - [x] python-backports.functools_lru_cache - #39457 - [x] python-boto - #39563 - [x] python-cairo - #43881 - [x] python-contextlib2 - #39457 - [x] python-coverage - #39457 - [x] python-dbus - 04451d40f81376bc33c519223cd5ef1f8d78492a - [x] python-funcsigs - #39457 - [x] python-gobject2 - #43881 - [x] python-hypothesis - #39457 - [x] python-importlib_metadata - #39457 - [x] python-isodate - #38232 - [x] python-mock - #39457 - [x] python-more-itertools - #39457 - [x] python-msp430-tools - #46298 - [x] python-notify - #38232 - [x] python-numpy - #43881 - [x] python-packaging - #39457 - [x] python-parsing - #39457 - [x] python-pathlib2 - #39457 - [x] python-pluggy - #39457 - [x] python-py - #39457 - [x] python-pyserial - #46298 - [x] python-pytest - #39457 - [x] python-rdflib - #38232 - [x] python-rfc6555 - #38781 - [x] python-scandir - #39457 - [x] python-selectors2 - #38781 - [x] python-typing - #39457 - [x] python-urwid - #38435 - [x] python-wcwidth - #39457 - [x] python-zipp - #39457 - [x] qt5 - 871121b5 - [x] qt5-webengine - https://github.com/void-linux/void-packages/pull/49887 - [x] qt5-webkit - c8f0d40dc16 - [x] raul - #39170 - [x] refind - #46297 - [x] resynthesizer - #43881 - [x] scanmem - c30d1852cbe88d3ec8b42c4f1a2f0908e6eb506f - [x] skanlite - d60613a06f2c8f28332a11a622567b02cf958cde - [x] skktools - #46515 - [x] slurm-wlm - c207905a2645fa06c100016884e28eea0f69ca36 - [x] speedometer - #38435< - [x] spice - #40486 - [x] strongswan - #38890 - [x] sun7i-kernel - #46493 - [x] sydbox - #46302 - [x] syslinux - 142bcd3cd8f9ccbd52240923c66c2c18c9343772 - [x] tacacs - #46515 - [x] teeworlds - #40476 - [x] telepathy-farstream - #46516 - [x] telepathy-gabble - #46516 - [x] telepathy-glib - 2d42eed19ae18d1f4e0efb8d69158ca99a5c60a4 - [x] telepathy-haze - #46516 - [x] telepathy-idle - #43890 - [x] telepathy-logger - #46516 - [x] telepathy-mission-control - #38638 - [x] telepathy-qt5 - #46516 - [x] telepathy-salut - #46516 - [x] thunderbird - #38919 - [x] trollock - #46512 - [x] tuxpaint - #46542 - [x] tvheadend - #46515 - [x] udis86 - 0f0688c82a1d320ab2810b95d142f548cc9cff20 - [x] umbrello - 669cbaf194 - [x] vdrift - #46515 - [x] webkit2gtk - 6353f833c16d1e817d1f0223dfcf8969cc520634 - [x] wmii - #46510 - [x] wxPython - #46237 - [x] xtrlock - #46512 - [x] yasm - 00d6aedd9b8321443a2c91a98503c0aa991c978e
ghost commented 1 year ago


Libglade is no longer maintained, as its functionality has been folded into GTK in the form of the GtkBuilder class.

- https://download.gnome.org/sources/libglade/

libglade does indeed use python 2.

configure outputs the following:

checking for a Python interpreter with version >= 2.0... python
checking for python... /usr/bin/python
checking for python version... 2.7

libglade-convert.in's first lines have the following:

# -*- mode: python -*-

# yes, this requires python 2.x and an XML parser module (eg. PyExpat)

I suspect that python 2 is used only for libglade-convert and nothing else.

Reverse dependencies



ghost commented 1 year ago

Please checkmark grass (updated in #40347).

icp1994 commented 1 year ago

webkit2gtk is completed in https://github.com/void-linux/void-packages/commit/6353f833c16d1e817d1f0223dfcf8969cc520634

dkwo commented 9 months ago

nodejs-lts now points to nodejs, which uses python3.

classabbyamp commented 8 months ago

@Johnnynator arch seems to have patches for qt5-webengine + python3:

Johnnynator commented 8 months ago

@Johnnynator arch seems to have patches for qt5-webengine + python3:

* https://gitlab.archlinux.org/archlinux/packaging/packages/qt5-webengine/-/blob/main/qt5-webengine-python3.patch

* https://gitlab.archlinux.org/archlinux/packaging/packages/qt5-webengine/-/blob/main/qt5-webengine-chromium-python3.patch
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/builddir/qt5-webengine-5.15.15/src/core/release/../../3rdparty/chromium/mojo/public/tools/mojom/mojom_parser.py", line 23, in <module>
    from mojom.generate import translate
  File "/builddir/qt5-webengine-5.15.15/src/3rdparty/chromium/mojo/public/tools/mojom/mojom/generate/translate.py", line 17, in <module>
    from mojom.generate import generator
  File "/builddir/qt5-webengine-5.15.15/src/3rdparty/chromium/mojo/public/tools/mojom/mojom/generate/generator.py", line 12, in <module>
    from mojom import fileutil
  File "/builddir/qt5-webengine-5.15.15/src/3rdparty/chromium/mojo/public/tools/mojom/mojom/fileutil.py", line 6, in <module>
    import imp
ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'imp'

But not compatible with py 3.12 :)

classabbyamp commented 8 months ago

damn, guess that's another point in favour of #46631

classabbyamp commented 8 months ago

@Johnnynator can you try the qt5-webengine patches again with python3.11?