void-linux / void-packages

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`httpie` crash #41958

Open notramo opened 1 year ago

notramo commented 1 year ago

Is this a new report?


System Info

Void 6.1.6_1 x86_64-musl GenuineIntel uptodate rFFF

Package(s) Affected


Does a report exist for this bug with the project's home (upstream) and/or another distro?


Expected behaviour

Running http, https, or httpie returns actual response.

Actual behaviour

user@host$ https voidlinux.org
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/bin/https", line 33, in <module>
    sys.exit(load_entry_point('httpie==3.2.1', 'console_scripts', 'https')())
  File "/usr/lib/python3.11/site-packages/httpie/__main__.py", line 9, in main
    exit_status = main()
  File "/usr/lib/python3.11/site-packages/httpie/core.py", line 160, in main
    from .cli.definition import parser
  File "/usr/lib/python3.11/site-packages/httpie/cli/definition.py", line 27, in <module>
    description=f'{__doc__.strip()} <https://httpie.io>',
AttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'strip'

Steps to reproduce

  1. Install httpie
  2. Run https voidlinux.org
classabbyamp commented 1 year ago
$ xbps-query -p pkgver httpie
$ https voidlinux.org
HTTP/1.1 200 OK

works fine for me. what version do you have installed? what's the output of xbps-query --regex -s '^python3'?

notramo commented 1 year ago

The installed version is httpie-3.2.1_2, same as yours. But it's worth noting that I'm using a musl-based system. All packages are fully up-to date.

classabbyamp commented 1 year ago

what's the output of xbps-query --regex -s '^python3'?

i still want to know this

notramo commented 1 year ago
[*] python3-3.11.1_1                   Python programming language (3.11 series)
[*] python3-Jinja2-3.1.2_1             Full featured template engine (Python3)
[*] python3-MarkupSafe-2.1.2_1         Implements a XML/HTML/XHTML Markup safe string for Python3
[*] python3-Pillow-9.4.0_1             Python Imaging Library (PIL) for for Python3
[*] python3-Pygments-2.14.0_1          Generic syntax highlighter written in Python
[*] python3-aiofiles-22.1.0_2          File support for asyncio in Python
[*] python3-aiohttp-3.7.4_4            HTTP client/server for asyncio (PEP-3156)
[*] python3-aiohttp_socks-0.6.0_3      SOCKS proxy connector for aiohttp
[*] python3-appdirs-1.4.4_5            Python3 module for determining appropriate platform-specific dirs
[*] python3-async-timeout-3.0.1_5      Timeout context manager for asyncio programs
[*] python3-atomicwrites-1.4.1_1       Simple Python3 API for atomic file writes
[*] python3-attrs-22.2.0_1             Attributes without boilerplate (Python3)
[*] python3-bcrypt-3.2.2_1             Modern password hashing for software and servers
[*] python3-cachetools-4.2.4_3         Python3 extensible memoizing collections and decorators
[*] python3-cairo-1.20.1_5             Python3 bindings for the cairo graphics library
[*] python3-cffi-1.15.1_2              C foreign function interface for Python3
[*] python3-chardet-5.1.0_1            Universal encoding detector
[*] python3-charset-normalizer-3.0.1_1 Encoding and language detection
[*] python3-click-8.1.3_2              Python3 package for creating beautiful command line interfaces
[*] python3-colorama-0.4.5_2           Cross-platform colored terminal text (Python3)
[*] python3-commonmark-0.9.1_4         Parser for the CommonMark Markdown spec
[*] python3-cryptography-39.0.0_1      Python3 library that provides cryptographic recipes and primitives
[*] python3-dbus-1.2.18_3              D-Bus Python3 bindings
[*] python3-defusedxml-0.7.1_1         Defusing XML bombs and other exploits (Python3)
[*] python3-future-0.18.2_6            Clean single-source support for Python 3 and 2 (Python3)
[*] python3-gobject-3.42.2_2           Python3 bindings for GObject
[*] python3-h11-0.14.0_1               Bring-your-own-I/O implementation of HTTP/1.1 (Python3)
[*] python3-h2-4.1.0_2                 HTTP/2 State-Machine based protocol implementation (Python3)
[*] python3-hpack-4.0.0_3              HTTP/2 Header Encoding (Python3)
[*] python3-hyperframe-6.0.1_3         Pure-Python HTTP/2 framing (Python3)
[*] python3-idna-3.4_2                 Internationalized Domain Names in Applications (IDNA) for Python3
[*] python3-jsonschema-4.17.3_1        Implementation of JSON Schema for Python3
[*] python3-logbook-1.5.3_6            Replacement for python's standard library logging module
[*] python3-lxml-4.9.2_1               Python binding for the libxml2 and libxslt libraries
[*] python3-matrix-nio-0.20.1_1        Python3 matrix.org client library designed without builtin io
[*] python3-multidict-5.1.0_4          Multidict implementation from aiohttp
[*] python3-notify2-0.3.1_6            Pure Python reimplementation of notify-python
[*] python3-numpy-1.24.1_1             Fast and sophisticated array facility to Python3
[*] python3-packaging-23.0_1           Core utilities for Python packages (Python3)
[*] python3-paramiko-2.11.0_2          Python3 SSH2 protocol library
[*] python3-parsing-2.4.7_4            Python parsing module
[*] python3-peewee-3.14.4_4            Small and simple ORM for Python3
[*] python3-ply-3.11_7                 Lex and Yacc for Python3
[*] python3-proselint-0.12.0_2         Linter for prose (Python3)
[*] python3-psutil-5.9.4_1             Cross-platform process and system utilities module for Python3
[*] python3-pyasn1-0.4.8_5             ASN.1 library for Python3
[*] python3-pyclip-0.7.0_1             Cross-platform Clipboard module for Python
[*] python3-pycparser-2.21_1           Complete C99 parser in pure Python (Python3)
[*] python3-pycryptodome-3.9.7_5       Python3 package of low-level cryptographic primitives
[*] python3-pynacl-1.5.0_2             Python3 binding to the Networking and Cryptography (NaCl) library
[*] python3-pyrsistent-0.18.1_2        Python persistent immutable data structures
[*] python3-pysocks-1.7.0_5            Python3 SOCKS client module
[*] python3-pytz-2022.7.1_1            Python3 timezone library
[*] python3-pyxattr-0.7.2_3            Filesystem extended attributes for python
[*] python3-requests-2.28.2_1          Python3 HTTP library for human beings
[*] python3-requests-toolbelt-0.9.1_6  Utilities for advanced use of python-requests (Python3)
[*] python3-resolvelib-0.9.0_1         Resolve abstract dependencies into concrete ones
[*] python3-rich-13.3.1_1              Library for rich text and beautiful formatting in the terminal
[*] python3-scour-0.38.2_3             SVG scrubber (Python3)
[*] python3-setuptools-66.1.1_1        Easily build and distribute Python3 packages
[*] python3-six-1.16.0_3               Python 2 and 3 compatibility utilities (Python3)
[*] python3-socks-1.2.4_4              Core proxy client functionality for Python
[*] python3-typing_extensions-4.2.0_2  Backported and Experimental Type Hints for Python 3.5+
[*] python3-unpaddedbase64-2.1.0_2     Encode and decode Base64 without '=' padding
[*] python3-urllib3-1.26.12_1          HTTP library with thread-safe connection pooling
[*] python3-xdg-0.28_2                 Python3 library to access freedesktop.org standards
[*] python3-yaml-6.0_2                 YAML parser and emitter for Python 3
[*] python3-yarl-1.8.1_1               Yet another URL library
paper42 commented 1 year ago

I can not reproduce this, are you sure your system is in a consistent state? Try running xbps-pkgdb -a to find inconsistencies.

hholst80 commented 1 year ago

@notramo please try this

[I] root@trump /u/l/p/s/h/cli# pwd
[I] root@trump /u/l/p/s/h/cli# python3
Python 3.11.4 (main, Jun  8 2023, 02:02:15) [GCC 12.2.0] on linux
Type "help", "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information.
>>> import definition
>>> definition.__doc__
'\nHTTPie: modern, user-friendly command-line HTTP client for the API era.\n\n'
[I] root@trump ~# python3
Python 3.11.4 (main, Jun  8 2023, 02:02:15) [GCC 12.2.0] on linux
Type "help", "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information.
>>> import httpie.cli.definition
>>> httpie.cli.definition.__file__
[I] root@trump ~# cat /usr/bin/https
# EASY-INSTALL-ENTRY-SCRIPT: 'httpie==3.2.2','console_scripts','https'
import re
import sys

# for compatibility with easy_install; see #2198
__requires__ = 'httpie==3.2.2'

    from importlib.metadata import distribution
except ImportError:
        from importlib_metadata import distribution
    except ImportError:
        from pkg_resources import load_entry_point

def importlib_load_entry_point(spec, group, name):
    dist_name, _, _ = spec.partition('==')
    matches = (
        for entry_point in distribution(dist_name).entry_points
        if entry_point.group == group and entry_point.name == name
    return next(matches).load()

globals().setdefault('load_entry_point', importlib_load_entry_point)

if __name__ == '__main__':
    sys.argv[0] = re.sub(r'(-script\.pyw?|\.exe)?$', '', sys.argv[0])
    sys.exit(load_entry_point('httpie==3.2.2', 'console_scripts', 'https')())
[I] root@trump ~#