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Package request: Guake #809

Closed Vlad-Romanov closed 6 years ago

Vlad-Romanov commented 6 years ago

Re-creating package request for Guake created by guilmm https://github.com/voidlinux/void-packages/issues/13295

"Guake is a drop-down terminal for GNOME.

http://guake-project.org/ https://github.com/Guake/guake


It appear that GUAKE work with simple make && make install on Void MUSL but no GLIBC...

This is latest template that is posted to original thread, with a bit of updating.

Template file for 'guake'

pkgname=guake version=3.3.0 revision=1 build_style=python3-module hostmakedepends="python3-setuptools python3-pbr python3-pip" makedepends="python3-devel"

checkdepends="flake8 python3-pylint"

checkdepends="python3-flake8 python3-pylint python3-pytest" noarch="yes" depends="python3 python3-cairo python3-dbus python3-gobject gtk+3 libkeybinder3" pycompile_module="$pkgname" short_desc="Drop-down terminal for GNOME" maintainer="" license="GPL-2" homepage="http://guake-project.org/" distfiles="https://github.com/${pkgname}/${pkgname}/archive/${version}.tar.gz" checksum=36447cd32daf4cb74ac4ebec386d20b659f02e5c7d66315b1078f6da2b894cfd

pre_build() { pip3 install pipenv pip3 install pipenv_to_requirements }

do_build() { make build }

do_install() { make install prefix="/usr/" COMPILE_SCHEMA=0 }

do_check() { make test }

Johnnynator commented 6 years ago

Fixed the template somewhat, still some stuff to do but it seems to work (but misses probably some dependencies) https://github.com/Johnnynator/void-packages/commits/guake

Johnnynator commented 6 years ago

Pr is open now. It should work fine for both GLIBC and Musl.

Vlad-Romanov commented 5 years ago

Some of other dependencies as per list by Devuan(Debian SysV) is: Build-Depends: autoconf, debhelper (>= 10), dh-python, gconf2, intltool, libgconf2-dev, libgtk2.0-dev, libxml-parser-perl, pkg-config, python, python-dev, python-gnome2, python-gtk2-dev, python-vte, python-xdg and I think libutempter is optional dependency? hope this help.