void256 / index.gl

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Support GLSL functions? #1

Open gre opened 10 years ago

gre commented 10 years ago

I try to search for "smoothstep" and there is no result, do you plan to support GLSL functions? Would be awesome!


void256 commented 10 years ago

Yes! I'd love to! :smile:

The problem is, that the information for the GLSL functions are not available in a nice parsable format like the regular GL functions/enums are (official XML Registry).

However this might still be possible because others have made all the hard work for us it seems. I just received this tweet from Robert Menzel:

renderpipeline: @void256 if you want something similar for GLSL,you can derive the supported functions per version from here: http://t.co/qpw7240r0I

The files look very pretty and so I guess this would be possible :smile: