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Quotes #34

Open void4 opened 5 years ago

void4 commented 5 years ago

"Blockchains are machines built out of agreement" - Mark S. Miller

zarutian commented 5 years ago

"Do not separate designation and authority" - Norm Hardy

void4 commented 5 years ago

"Petabyte memory, farming robots: the realization that we could watch every single seed individually" - Joe Armstrong https://youtu.be/37wFVVVZlVU?t=2165

void4 commented 4 years ago

Richard Dawkins said in an offhand comment in The Selfish Gene that “Money is a formal token of delayed reciprocal altruism.” - https://nakamotoinstitute.org/reciprocal-altruism-in-the-theory-of-money/

void4 commented 4 years ago

Society provides few incentives to develop common goods

void4 commented 4 years ago

I wish I could find the original quote for this: "money is a system of temporally delayed mutual reciprocation"

Edit: Got it!

Richard Dawkins said in an offhand comment in The Selfish Gene that “Money is a formal token of delayed reciprocal altruism.”


fjl commented 4 years ago

Did you just re-discover this quote? You posted the same one on April 22nd, with the same link :)

void4 commented 4 years ago

@fjl image

Edit: I was thinking about this: https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=24327989 kind of in relation to this: https://medium.com/@danrobinson/ethereum-is-a-dark-forest-ecc5f0505dff

void4 commented 2 years ago

a business can be open to the public because its cash register isn’t

on encapsulation, from http://www.laputan.org/pub/papers/Joule.pdf, 1.2. Rules of the Game