voideex / RbxPHP

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uploadasset.php returns "error: invalid xml/invalid id" with correct ID and valid XML, doesn't create rs.txt #5

Closed mrparkerlol closed 8 years ago

mrparkerlol commented 8 years ago

Here's a sample of the XML: http://pastebin.com/Pve4aAJA

It also fails to create the rs.txt when the php script is ran. A few days ago this used to work, but it seems to have broken.

EDIT: I also made sure it wasn't my code by re-copying the script, as well as reverting my code back to before I made any changes (or the previous working state).

If you need more details feel free to ask me for more details.

EDIT: Updated XML, still doesn't work.

mrparkerlol commented 8 years ago

It turns out that the line with $upload_xml needed to be changed to this: $upload_xml = curl_init("http://data.roblox.com/Data/Upload.ashx?assetid=$asset_id&json=1");

But now it times out. Do you have a recommended server host for publishing models?

mrparkerlol commented 8 years ago

After some further debugging it times out because the script returns this, with the changes mentioned:

<html><head><title>Object moved</title></head><body>
<h2>Object moved to <a href="/RobloxDefaultErrorPage.aspx?id=7fe32577-c7cf-413f-99bb-62d736b5c742&amp;mode=&amp;code=">here</a>.</h2>
<html><head><title>Object moved</title></head><body>
<h2>Object moved to <a href="/RobloxDefaultErrorPage.aspx?id=7fe32577-c7cf-413f-99bb-62d736b5c742&amp;mode=&amp;code=">here</a>.</h2>

This possibly means that they changed something with the upload process. Roblox errors usually mean accessing a blocked resource, or providing invalid arguments.

I will do further investigation and if I find anything, will create a pull request.