voidlabs / mosaico

Mosaico - Responsive Email Template Editor
GNU General Public License v3.0
1.68k stars 502 forks source link

mosaico not working in local environment #27

Closed marcomas closed 8 years ago

marcomas commented 8 years ago

Hello guys,

I can not run an application locally, I downloaded the source code, but it fails, I miss JS libraries:

/dist/mosaico-material.min.css?v=0.10 /dist/notoregular/stylesheet.css /dist/mosaico.min.js?v=0.11

The error returned was "Mosaic is not defined" where can I download the libraries that are missing?

thank you in advance.

bago commented 8 years ago

Did you read the build instructions in the README? You need node.js and grunt to build it. What you download are sources that must be "compiled".

marcomas commented 8 years ago

Thanks for quick reply.

ok, it will mean that I read the documentation thanks again

marcomas commented 8 years ago

Hi bago,

I managed to run the application, but now I have another problem, when I load a picture, not really charge, I must set some configuration parameter?

I'm sorry for my bad English

thanks again

bago commented 8 years ago

Are you running "grunt" in the background? Do you have any error on the grunt console? Are you opening mosaico in ? if you open it with a "file://" url then it won't work because of browser security settings.

If you did all of this, open your javascript console and tell me what do you see in console.

marcomas commented 8 years ago

you are running "grunt," I'm opening mosaic, the JavaScript console is empty, in the console "grunt" you see some mistakes, following the content of the console:

MarcoM@MarcoM-PC MINGW64 ~/Desktop/MOSAICO/mosaico-0.11 $ grunt

I'll notice this error, you can install missing something

Local Npm module "grunt-parallel" not found. Is it installed? Loading "phantom-thumbnailer-editor.js" tasks...ERROR Error: Cannot find module 'webpage'

Running "bowercopy:libs" (bowercopy) task bower_components\knockout\dist\knockout.js -> dist\vendor\knockout.js bower_components\jquery\dist\jquery.min.js -> dist\vendor\jquery.min.js bower_components\jquery\dist\jquery.min.map -> dist\vendor\jquery.min.map bower_components\jquery-ui\jquery-ui.min.js -> dist\vendor\jquery-ui.min.js bower_components\jquery-ui\themes\smoothness\jquery-ui.min.css -> dist\vendor\jq uery-ui.min.css bower_components\jqueryui-touch-punch\jquery.ui.touch-punch.min.js -> dist\vendo r\jquery.ui.touch-punch.min.js bower_components\knockout-jqueryui\dist\knockout-jqueryui.min.js -> dist\vendor\ knockout-jqueryui.min.js bower_components\blueimp-canvas-to-blob\js\canvas-to-blob.min.js -> dist\vendor\ canvas-to-blob.min.js bower_components\blueimp-load-image\js\load-image.all.min.js -> dist\vendor\load -image.all.min.js bower_components\jquery-file-upload\js\jquery.iframe-transport.js -> dist\vendor \jquery.iframe-transport.js bower_components\jquery-file-upload\js\jquery.fileupload.js -> dist\vendor\jquer y.fileupload.js bower_components\jquery-file-upload\js\jquery.fileupload-process.js -> dist\vend or\jquery.fileupload-process.js bower_components\jquery-file-upload\js\jquery.fileupload-image.js -> dist\vendor \jquery.fileupload-image.js bower_components\jquery-file-upload\js\jquery.fileupload-validate.js -> dist\ven dor\jquery.fileupload-validate.js bower_components\evol-colorpicker\css\evol.colorpicker.min.css -> dist\vendor\ev ol.colorpicker.min.css bower_components\evol-colorpicker\js\evol.colorpicker.min.js -> dist\vendor\evol .colorpicker.min.js bower_components\tinymce\tinymce.min.js -> dist\vendor\tinymce.min.js bower_components\tinymce\themes -> dist\vendor\themes bower_components\tinymce\skins -> dist\vendor\skins bower_components\tinymce\plugins -> dist\vendor\plugins bower_components\webfont-notosans\regular -> dist\vendor\notoregular

Running "bowercopy:fontawesome" (bowercopy) task bower_components\font-awesome\fonts\fontawesome-webfont.woff2 -> dist\fa\fonts\f ontawesome-webfont.woff2 bower_components\font-awesome\fonts\fontawesome-webfont.woff -> dist\fa\fonts\fo ntawesome-webfont.woff bower_components\font-awesome\fonts\fontawesome-webfont.ttf -> dist\fa\fonts\fon tawesome-webfont.ttf bower_components\font-awesome\fonts\fontawesome-webfont.svg -> dist\fa\fonts\fon tawesome-webfont.svg bower_components\font-awesome\fonts\fontawesome-webfont.eot -> dist\fa\fonts\fon tawesome-webfont.eot Some bower components are not configured: [ 'knockout-sortable', 'knockoutjs-reactor', 'mensch', 'toastr', 'knockout-undomanager', 'knockout.wrap', 'jquery.iframe-transport', 'console-browserify', 'blueimp-file-upload', 'jsep', 'tinycolor' ]

Running "copy:res" (copy) task Created 7 directories, copied 29 files

Running "jshint:all" (jshint) task

√ No problems

Running "combineKOTemplates:main" (combineKOTemplates) task

Running "browserify:debug" (browserify) task

Bundle build/mosaico.js created.

Running "browserify:main" (browserify) task

Bundle build/mosaico.debug.js created.

Running "exorcise:main" (exorcise) task Exorcising source map from build/mosaico.debug.js

Running "less:css" (less) task File build/mosaico.css created File build/mosaico-material.css created

Running "postcss:dist" (postcss) task Container#eachAtRule is deprecated. Use Container#walkAtRules instead. Container#eachRule is deprecated. Use Container#walkRules instead. Container#eachDecl is deprecated. Use Container#walkDecls instead. Node#style() is deprecated. Use Node#raw() Container#remove is deprecated. Use Container#removeChild Node#before is deprecated. Use Node#raws.before Node#_value was deprecated. Use Node#raws.value Node#semicolon is deprecated. Use Node#raws.semicolon Node#after is deprecated. Use Node#raws.after Container#eachComment is deprecated. Use Container#walkComments instead. Node#removeSelf is deprecated. Use Node#remove. Node#between is deprecated. Use Node#raws.between Node#_important was deprecated. Use Node#raws.important AtRule#afterName was deprecated. Use AtRule#raws.afterName

1 processed stylesheet created. 1 sourcemap created.

Running "postcss:material" (postcss) task

1 processed stylesheet created. 1 sourcemap created.

Running "express:dev" (express) task

Running "express-server:dev" (express-server) task Web server started on port:9000, no hostname specified [pid: 1476]

Running "watch" task Waiting... thanks again

marcomas commented 8 years ago

I installed the module "grunt-parallel", but continue to leave the error

Loading "phantom-thumbnailer-editor.js" tasks ... ERROR Error: Can not find module 'webpage'

bago commented 8 years ago

1) grunt-parallel is not needed on my setup: which versions of node.js and npm do you have? 2) You can ignore the "Can not find module 'webpage'".

About your images upload issue, did you install imagemagik? Do "convert" on command line output imagemagik help?

bago commented 8 years ago

Closing this because of no feedback on the last question. Please reopen if you still have issues.

tiagobernardes commented 8 years ago

i have this issue too.

Loading "phantom-thumbnailer-editor.js" tasks...ERROR

and next url not show anything http://localhost:9000/img/?method=placeholder&params=166%2C130

bago commented 8 years ago

Ignore the thumbnailer error. Did you read the readme about imagemagick and the convert command?

Do you see console messages in the running grunt when that url is called?

marcomas commented 8 years ago

Hi Bago,

I was able to run the project. sorry if I have not written more, and that I was busy on another project

Thanks again

tiagobernardes commented 8 years ago

Hi Bago,

installed imagemagick in my environment (win7 64) but the images are still not being presented. (see the attached image)

I have no errors in the console.


bago commented 8 years ago

Open a command prompt and write "convert" .. it should result in the imagemacick command help. If this does not happen then you didn't install imagemagick correctly or it is not in your path.

tiagobernardes commented 8 years ago

Ah !! now yes It is already working with images! :D thank you

janietom2 commented 8 years ago

Images path does not work with Apache/PHP

Using: OS X El Capitan 10.11.2 MAMP

However it is fully working using grunt

bago commented 8 years ago

@srinathMayee this is NOT the same issue. So, don't pollute unrelated issues. Please read the readme to understand how to open issues. I don't reply to issues that don't include the required informations: https://github.com/voidlabs/mosaico/blob/master/README.md

MaheshSundaramurthy commented 7 years ago


Image upload is not working. Kindly help. No errors seen in console and image magick is installed. Running "Magick Convert" in command line shows magick help. Still image not working.

Any assistance in bringing up my environment will be of great help

In the browser, failed to load URL is seen for the image. screen1

Thanks Mahesh

bago commented 7 years ago

I wrote "convert" not "magick convert". Are you sure that the command console output is the "latest" (after you saw the error on the image upload)? Can you check the "Network" tab of your browser to see what kind of response you get on the image resource call when you upload? Also, check the "Javascript console" to see if you get logs during the image upload/download.

MaheshSundaramurthy commented 7 years ago

Hi Bago, Thanks for the reply. Please find the requested information. Kindly help The Console output is latest and does not show any error. Image Attached. In Network tab, we are noticing 3 GET Requests. Images Attached


console network1 network2 network3

bago commented 7 years ago

I wrote "convert" not "magick convert".

MaheshSundaramurthy commented 7 years ago

convert Hi Please find the snapshot with "convert" in command line. Please advise

bago commented 7 years ago

I can't help with this. "convert" is a dependency.. check with Image Magick help/site/forums to solve your issue with it. Once it works, then you will be able to use mosaico locally.

MaheshSundaramurthy commented 7 years ago

Ok. Let me check. Could you please share a snapshot how how the 'convert' work in command line. This way I would know what to expect while testing.

bago commented 7 years ago

The convert output is the same you got on "Magick convert". You probably just have to change PATH so to have image magic path before the Windows filesystem convert utility.

MaheshSundaramurthy commented 7 years ago

It worked. Nothing wrong with the install or configuration. Looks like from Image Magick 7 convert.exe is changed to magick.exe. Uninstalled and installed Image Magick 6. Image upload works now.

Let me work on this more and next step is email. Let's see how it goes. Thanks again for all the help

bago commented 7 years ago

Thank you for reporting. I updated the Readme according to aheckmann/gm#559