voidpet / bugs

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Voidpets gone #779

Open Superredpanda opened 1 year ago

Superredpanda commented 1 year ago

Describe the bug below and provide your Voidpet username.

I was doing a grind for abandoned void pet and when i released 9 pets they were gone and I didn't get any idems for them either

Username Superpanda

benawad commented 1 year ago

Does this happen every time you release pets or just this 1 time?

Superredpanda commented 1 year ago

It has happened this one time

Superredpanda commented 1 year ago

It has happened to me a few time now since the last comment

benawad commented 1 year ago

Do the wishes show up in your inventory if you refresh?

Superredpanda commented 1 year ago

No not at all

benawad commented 1 year ago

I'm assuming it only happens when you forget multiple pets at once, could you try recording it happening?

Superredpanda commented 1 year ago

Yes it does it has happened when I forget 3 pets and it did it,I'll try rn

Superredpanda commented 1 year ago

Now it don't want to do it, so I think it fixed its self, I tried to do it with 13 pets and it worked fine

Superredpanda commented 1 year ago

Is there any way I can get my pets back

benawad commented 1 year ago

Your pets are permanently gone, but I can refund your missing wishes. How many total pets went missing and what species?

Superredpanda commented 1 year ago

It was all total 50 sad wishes

Superredpanda commented 1 year ago

I recounted and it was 100 sad wished

benawad commented 1 year ago

Just sent you 100 sad wishes

Superredpanda commented 1 year ago

Okay thank you so much

Superredpanda commented 1 year ago

So you know the same thing keeps on happening.

benawad commented 1 year ago

It's hard to debug if it only happens sometimes. If you could pay attention to the times it occurs, maybe there is a factor thats different when it works vs doesn't? If you can catch it on video that is very helpful as well!

Superredpanda commented 1 year ago

I'll try my best, it seems to be doing it to me so far every time, I'll catch some pets and try to record it.

Superredpanda commented 1 year ago

I believe it has fixed itself because now it's working fine, I'm able to release 25 pets at once and no problem.

Superredpanda commented 1 year ago

It hasn't done it since the last comment, is there a way I can be refunded the wishes form when it wasn't

benawad commented 1 year ago

yeah, how many missing wishes?

Superredpanda commented 1 year ago

Anger - 2000 Curiosity- 1000 Grumpy- 500 Lonely- roughly 5000 Sad - 200 Abandoned- roughly 6000

Thank you so much

benawad commented 1 year ago

For that number of wishes, I would need to see a video of it not working.

Superredpanda commented 1 year ago

I wasn't able to get one, my computer doesnt let me screen record, can we do half of what I said

Superredpanda commented 1 year ago

I got a video of it were do you want me to send it ?

benawad commented 1 year ago

You can upload to GitHub

Superredpanda commented 1 year ago

okay , im sorry for the late answer, its not letting me upload it

benawad commented 1 year ago

upload to youtube and send a link