voila-dashboards / voila-vuetify

Dashboard template for VoilĂ  based on VuetifyJS
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Voila Error using PM2 on VPS Server Ubuntu 22.04 with 8GB Ram and 2 Cores of Proccesor #66

Closed christianp8 closed 11 months ago

christianp8 commented 11 months ago

Hello, i want to ask, i got an error from Voila Application on Ubuntu 22.04 using VPS Server with 8 GB Ram and 2 cores of Processor, are my preheat kernel is correct ? already 2 kernell from this error? or 5 kernel?, or i need more powerful server?, and this is my files and the errors:

This is my pm2 configuration: module.exports = { apps: [ { name: "Voila-Test-Kernel-8", script: "/opt/miniconda/envs/project3/bin/voila", args: ["--debug","--no-browser", "/var/www/html/Voila_Home/AnalyticEngine.ipynb", "--template", "vuetify-default","--debug"], interpreter: "/opt/miniconda/envs/project3/bin/python", autorestart: true, watch: true, max_memory_restart: "7G", instances: 1 }, ], };

This is my voila.json: { "VoilaConfiguration": {

Activate or deactivate preheat kernel option.

"preheat_kernel": true, "file_whitelist": [ ".*" ] }, "VoilaKernelManager": {

A list of notebook name or regex patterns to exclude notebooks from using preheat kernel.

"preheat_denylist": [ ], "kernel_pools_config":{ "AnalyticEngine.ipynb": { "pool_size": 2, # Size of pool } },

Delay time in second before filling the kernel pool.

"fill_delay": 0 } }

this is my error:

[Voila] activity on 7d4e288d-174b-4c05-b10d-981be4a3d569: status (busy) [Voila] activity on 7d4e288d-174b-4c05-b10d-981be4a3d569: execute_input [Voila] activity on 7d4e288d-174b-4c05-b10d-981be4a3d569: status (idle) [Voila] activity on 7d4e288d-174b-4c05-b10d-981be4a3d569: status (busy) [Voila] msg_type: status [Voila] content: {'execution_state': 'busy'} [Voila] activity on 7d4e288d-174b-4c05-b10d-981be4a3d569: execute_input [Voila] msg_type: execute_input

Traceback (most recent call last): File "/opt/miniconda/envs/project3/lib/python3.9/site-packages/voila/notebook_renderer.py", line 264, in _jinja_cell_generator output_cell = await self.executor.execute_cell( File "/opt/miniconda/envs/project3/lib/python3.9/site-packages/voila/execute.py", line 69, in execute_cell result = await self.async_execute_cell(cell, cell_index, store_history) File "/opt/miniconda/envs/project3/lib/python3.9/site-packages/nbclient/client.py", line 1005, in async_execute_cell raise DeadKernelError("Kernel died") from None nbclient.exceptions.DeadKernelError: Kernel died [Voila] AsyncIOLoopKernelRestarter: restarting kernel (1/5), keep random ports [Voila] Starting kernel: ['/opt/miniconda/envs/project3/bin/python', '-m', 'ipykernel_launcher', '-f', '/tmp/voila_3y3nt5ve/kernel-7d4e288d-174b-4c05-b10d-981be4a3d569.json'] [Voila] Connecting to: tcp:// 403 GET /voila/files/favicon.ico ( File not whitelisted 403 GET /voila/files/favicon.ico ( 1.06ms [Voila] Requesting kernel info from 7d4e288d-174b-4c05-b10d-981be4a3d569 [Voila] Connecting to: tcp:// [Voila] activity on 7d4e288d-174b-4c05-b10d-981be4a3d569: status (busy) [Voila] activity on 7d4e288d-174b-4c05-b10d-981be4a3d569: status (idle) [Voila] Received kernel info: {'status': 'ok', 'protocol_version': '5.3', 'implementation': 'ipython', 'implementation_version': '7.34.0', 'language_info': {'name': 'python', 'version': '3.9.1', 'mimetype': 'text/x-python', 'codemirror_mode': {'name': 'ipython', 'version': 3}, 'pygments_lexer': 'ipython3', 'nbconvert_exporter': 'python', 'file_extension': '.py'}, 'banner': "Python 3.9.1 (default, Dec 11 2020, 14:32:07) \nType 'copyright', 'credits' or 'license' for more information\nIPython 7.34.0 -- An enhanced Interactive Python. Type '?' for help.\n", 'help_links': [{'text': 'Python Reference', 'url': 'https://docs.python.org/3.9'}, {'text': 'IPython Reference', 'url': 'https://ipython.org/documentation.html'}, {'text': 'NumPy Reference', 'url': 'https://docs.scipy.org/doc/numpy/reference/'}, {'text': 'SciPy Reference', 'url': 'https://docs.scipy.org/doc/scipy/reference/'}, {'text': 'Matplotlib Reference', 'url': 'https://matplotlib.org/contents.html'}, {'text': 'SymPy Reference', 'url': 'http://docs.sympy.org/latest/index.html'}, {'text': 'pandas Reference', 'url': 'https://pandas.pydata.org/pandas-docs/stable/'}]} [Voila] Opening websocket /api/kernels/7d4e288d-174b-4c05-b10d-981be4a3d569/channels [Voila] Connecting to kernel 7d4e288d-174b-4c05-b10d-981be4a3d569. [Voila] Getting buffer for 7d4e288d-174b-4c05-b10d-981be4a3d569 [Voila] Connecting to: tcp:// [Voila] Connecting to: tcp:// [Voila] Connecting to: tcp:// [Voila] Connecting to: tcp:// [Voila] Connecting to: tcp:// [Voila] Connecting to: tcp:// [Voila] Nudge: attempt 1 on kernel 7d4e288d-174b-4c05-b10d-981be4a3d569 [Voila] activity on 7d4e288d-174b-4c05-b10d-981be4a3d569: status (busy) [Voila] Nudge: IOPub received: 7d4e288d-174b-4c05-b10d-981be4a3d569 [Voila] Nudge: resolving iopub future: 7d4e288d-174b-4c05-b10d-981be4a3d569 [Voila] activity on 7d4e288d-174b-4c05-b10d-981be4a3d569: status (busy) [Voila] activity on 7d4e288d-174b-4c05-b10d-981be4a3d569: status (idle) [Voila] Nudge: control info reply received: 7d4e288d-174b-4c05-b10d-981be4a3d569 [Voila] Nudge: resolving control future: 7d4e288d-174b-4c05-b10d-981be4a3d569 [Voila] activity on 7d4e288d-174b-4c05-b10d-981be4a3d569: status (idle) [Voila] activity on 7d4e288d-174b-4c05-b10d-981be4a3d569: status (busy) [Voila] activity on 7d4e288d-174b-4c05-b10d-981be4a3d569: status (idle) [IPKernelApp] ERROR | No such comm target registered: jupyter.widget.control [Voila] activity on 7d4e288d-174b-4c05-b10d-981be4a3d569: status (busy) [Voila] activity on 7d4e288d-174b-4c05-b10d-981be4a3d569: comm_close [IPKernelApp] WARNING | No such comm: 7a2f35a9-4c96-4f02-936e-c1970685b011 [Voila] activity on 7d4e288d-174b-4c05-b10d-981be4a3d569: status (idle) [Voila] activity on 7d4e288d-174b-4c05-b10d-981be4a3d569: status (busy) [Voila] activity on 7d4e288d-174b-4c05-b10d-981be4a3d569: status (idle) [Voila] activity on 7d4e288d-174b-4c05-b10d-981be4a3d569: status (busy) [Voila] activity on 7d4e288d-174b-4c05-b10d-981be4a3d569: status (idle) [Voila] AsyncIOLoopKernelRestarter: restart apparently succeeded

trungleduc commented 11 months ago

Close as duplicated