voila-dashboards / voila

Voilà turns Jupyter notebooks into standalone web applications
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Custom template documentation outdated #1439

Open Paul-Aime opened 5 months ago

Paul-Aime commented 5 months ago

The documentation on "Creating your own template" seems outdated.

The documentation talks about base.tpl and voila.tpl files and default folder, nowhere to be found in the installated files, except in the 5 years old voila-template-cookiecutter.

After installing voila-0.5.5, this is the files structure I got:

$ tree -L 2 ~/miniconda3/envs/voila/share/jupyter/voila/templates/
├── base/
│  ├── static/
│  ├── 404.html
│  ├── browser-open.html
│  ├── error.html
│  ├── jupyter_widgets.html.j2
│  ├── log.macro.html.j2
│  ├── page.html
│  ├── spinner.macro.html.j2
│  ├── tree.html
│  └── voila_setup.macro.html.j2
├── classic/
│  └── index.html.j2
├── lab/
│  ├── browser-open.html
│  ├── error.html
│  ├── index.html.j2
│  ├── page.html
│  ├── tree-lab.html
│  └── tree.html
└── reveal/
   └── index.html.j2

Whereas "The Voilà template structure" documentation says:

$ tree path/to/env/share/jupyter/voila/templates/default/
├── nbconvert_templates
│   ├── base.tpl
│   └── voila.tpl
└── templates
    ├── 404.html
    ├── error.html
    ├── page.html
    └── tree.html

Also, I can't make any of the linked example template projects work (voila-dashboards/voila-gridstack, voila-dashboards/voila-material, voila-dashboards/voila-vuetify)

How should I go learning about making my own template?

Actually, I mainly wants to make the voila-vuetify template work.