voipmonitor / sniffer

VoIPmonitor sniffer sources
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error installing in linux mint #105

Open jamieduk opened 1 year ago

jamieduk commented 1 year ago

root@jnet:/usr/src/sniffer# make

./install-sh ./install-sh: no input file specified.

voipmonitor-petr commented 1 year ago

Hello, binary is installed with 'make install' to /usr/local/sbin/voipmonitor

please read README_* (README_raspbian.md) there is described what to do after 'make instlall' to install default config and init scripts

jamieduk commented 1 year ago

root@jnet:/usr/src/sniffer# make -c make: invalid option -- 'c' Usage: make [options] [target] ... Options: -b, -m Ignored for compatibility. -B, --always-make Unconditionally make all targets. -C DIRECTORY, --directory=DIRECTORY Change to DIRECTORY before doing anything. -d Print lots of debugging information. --debug[=FLAGS] Print various types of debugging information. -e, --environment-overrides Environment variables override makefiles. --eval=STRING Evaluate STRING as a makefile statement. -f FILE, --file=FILE, --makefile=FILE

                          Read FILE as a makefile.

-h, --help Print this message and exit. -i, --ignore-errors Ignore errors from recipes. -I DIRECTORY, --include-dir=DIRECTORY Search DIRECTORY for included makefiles. -j [N], --jobs[=N] Allow N jobs at once; infinite jobs with no arg. -k, --keep-going Keep going when some targets can't be made. -l [N], --load-average[=N], --max-load[=N] Don't start multiple jobs unless load is below N. -L, --check-symlink-times Use the latest mtime between symlinks and target. -n, --just-print, --dry-run, --recon Don't actually run any recipe; just print them. -o FILE, --old-file=FILE, --assume-old=FILE Consider FILE to be very old and don't remake it. -O[TYPE], --output-sync[=TYPE] Synchronize output of parallel jobs by TYPE. -p, --print-data-base Print make's internal database. -q, --question Run no recipe; exit status says if up to date. -r, --no-builtin-rules Disable the built-in implicit rules. -R, --no-builtin-variables Disable the built-in variable settings. -s, --silent, --quiet Don't echo recipes. -S, --no-keep-going, --stop Turns off -k. -t, --touch Touch targets instead of remaking them. --trace Print tracing information. -v, --version Print the version number of make and exit. -w, --print-directory Print the current directory. --no-print-directory Turn off -w, even if it was turned on implicitly. -W FILE, --what-if=FILE, --new-file=FILE, --assume-new=FILE Consider FILE to be infinitely new. --warn-undefined-variables Warn when an undefined variable is referenced.

This program built for x86_64-pc-linux-gnu Report bugs to bug-make@gnu.org

as you can see its missing args, what am i missing?

voipmonitor-petr commented 1 year ago

I'm not sure what are you trying by 'make -c'

but to compile sniffer from sources and make service running: go to sources directory (cd /usr/src/sniffer) and run ./configure make make install

then you need to copy the voipmonitor.conf cp ./config/voipmonitor.conf /etc/

Then you put there the init script and force system to start the service at a boottime and start the service cp ./config/init.d/voipmonitor /etc/init.d/ systemctl enable voipmonitor systemctl start voipmonitor But before you start the service, make sure that you configured mysql options, sipport and interface options at least in /etc/voipmonitor.conf The service is logging to syslog facility (/var/log/syslog). (If service not starts, read there the reason.)

jamieduk commented 1 year ago

Oh thanks, I am getting closer there was a couple packages it needed for a successful config command

The following packages have unmet dependencies. libjson0-dev : Depends: libjson-c-dev (= 0.11-4ubuntu2.6) but 0.12.1-1.3ubuntu0.3 is to be installed E: Unable to correct problems, you have held broken packages.

is the latest error.

ps please update readme file to include sudo apt install -y libpng-dev libgcrypt-dev libfftw3-dev libgoogle-perftools-dev unixodbc-dev libsnappy-dev libcurl4-openssl-dev libjson0-dev

that isnt the final update but its what i have so far, im getting there slowely but surely!

any ideas on how to get around that last error?

voipmonitor-petr commented 1 year ago

Regarding broken dependencies in your installation of mintOS, I can recommend to make sure you have all packages updated there apt-get update apt upgrade

or use latest mint 21 where I didn't face any issues with dependencies when building sniffer.