voipmonitor / sniffer

VoIPmonitor sniffer sources
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Debian issues with using old network-interfqace naming schema #107

Open idkpmiller opened 1 year ago

idkpmiller commented 1 year ago

Hi, I have follwed the REAMDME for Debian and when I try and start the service I get errors pertaining to eth0 I do not have an eth0 ibn this machine the name of the first NIC is ens3, I have tried to configure this directly in the .conf as well as using any in both cases the same error are shown.

Here is the ouput of starting the service

root@galaxy:/usr/src/sniffer# root@galaxy:/usr/src/sniffer# /etc/init.d/voipmonitor start Starting voipmonitor: voipmonitor[768418]: set buffer memory limit to 505503744 voipmonitor[768418]: set threading mode 2 Loading configuration from file /etc/voipmonitor.conf OK voipmonitor[768418]: set buffer memory limit to 505503744 voipmonitor version 31.1 local time 2023-01-22 16:00:30 voipmonitor[768418]: local time 2023-01-22 16:00:30 Can't get value from 'ethtool -g eth0'. This is not a fatal error. Some NICs don't support it. voipmonitor[768418]: Can't get value from 'ethtool -g eth0'. This is not a fatal error. Some NICs don't support it. Can't get value from 'ethtool -c eth0'. This is not a fatal error. Some NICs don't support it. voipmonitor[768418]: Can't get value from 'ethtool -c eth0'. This is not a fatal error. Some NICs don't support it. voipmonitor[768418]: detected rrdtool version 10702 interface eth0: libpcap error: SIOCGIFHWADDR: No such device


In terested in ideas or workarounds that are known for the problem.

Thanks Paul

milon21 commented 1 year ago


if I understand it correctly then you changed the interface option in the voipmonitor.conf but you still see the eth0 interface ? Can you share your voipmonitor.conf ? Thanks.