vokal / Vokoder

A lightweight core data stack with efficient importing and exporting on the side.
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feature/swift5 #135

Closed khaptonstall closed 5 years ago

khaptonstall commented 5 years ago


Made the following updates for Swift 5.0 support:



Paging Data Source Example, SampleProject, and SwiftSampleProject

Also removed "deprecated" methods in VOKCoreDataManager+Swift.swift. Quoting "deprecated" as they were marked @available(*, deprecated: 4.1.0, message: "use managedObject(ofClass:inContext:) instead") where 4.1.0 was meant to signify the podpsec version, but the @available attribute knows nothing about the podspec version, so the compiler actually interpreted that as "Deprecated on all platforms of version 4.1.0". Now, in Swift 5, that throws a compiler warning since no platform is specified. I just removed the methods altogether since they've been "deprecated" for multiple version releases now, but if it would be preferred to leave them in, I'd either need to make the deprecation based on a Swift language version or for specific versions of each platform (iOS, macOS, tvOS)

bryanluby commented 5 years ago

Tagged and pushed to trunk