volantis-x / hexo-theme-volantis

A Wonderful Theme for Hexo.
MIT License
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【问题】:边栏位置调整不起作用 #922

Open EarendelH opened 2 months ago

EarendelH commented 2 months ago







我在文件/EarendelH.github.io/_config.volantis.yml中修改sidebar的属性positionleft,执行hexo s后本地服务器成功修改为左侧,但在hexo d部署后通过https://earendelh.github.io链接访问博客时,边栏位置没有更改,我已尝试过清除浏览器缓存,并且通过同时修改shape,等待足够长时间的方法,确认不是部署时间过短的问题。




```yml 在这里粘贴替换 `blog/_config.yml` 中修改过的部分 ```


```yml ############################### Sidebar ############################### > start sidebar: position: left # left right # 主页、分类、归档等独立页面 for_page: [blogger, category, tagcloud, donate] # layout: docs/post 这类文章页面 for_post: [toc] # 侧边栏组件库 widget_library: # --------------------------------------- # blogger info widget blogger: class: blogger display: [desktop, mobile] # [desktop, mobile] avatar: /images/authoricon.jpg # https://gcore.jsdelivr.net/gh/volantis-x/cdn-org/blog/Logo-NavBar@3x.png shape: rectangle # circle, rectangle url: /about/ title: Earendel subtitle: 一名大一小萌新 jinrishici: true # Poetry Today. You can set a string, and it will be displayed when loading fails. social: - icon: fa-solid fa-envelope url: mailto:1048872982@qq.com - icon: fab fa-github url: https://github.com/EarendelH/ # --------------------------------------- # toc widget (valid only in articles) toc: class: toc display: [desktop, mobile] # [desktop, mobile] sticky: true header: icon: fa-solid fa-list title: 本文目录 list_number: false min_depth: 2 max_depth: 5 # --------------------------------------- # music music: class: music display: [desktop, mobile] # [desktop, mobile] pjaxReload: false # --------------------------------------- # category widget category: class: category display: [desktop] # [desktop, mobile] header: icon: fa-solid fa-folder-open title: 文章分类 url: /blog/categories/ # --------------------------------------- # tagcloud widget tagcloud: class: tagcloud display: [desktop, mobile] # [desktop, mobile] header: icon: fa-solid fa-tags title: 热门标签 url: /blog/tags/ min_font: 14 max_font: 24 color: true start_color: '#999' end_color: '#555' # --------------------------------------- # qrcode widget qrcode: class: qrcode display: [desktop, mobile] # [desktop, mobile] height: 64px # Automatic height if not set images: - volantis-static/media/org.volantis/blog/qrcode/github@volantis.png # https://gcore.jsdelivr.net/gh/volantis-x/cdn-org/blog/qrcode/github@volantis.png - volantis-static/media/org.volantis/blog/qrcode/github@volantis.png # https://gcore.jsdelivr.net/gh/volantis-x/cdn-org/blog/qrcode/github@volantis.png # --------------------------------------- # webinfo widget webinfo: class: webinfo display: [desktop] header: icon: fa-solid fa-award title: 站点信息 type: article: enable: true text: '文章数目:' unit: '篇' runtime: enable: true data: '2024/03/13' # 填写建站日期 text: '已运行时间:' unit: '天' wordcount: enable: false text: '本站总字数:' # 需要启用 wordcount unit: '字' visitcounter: enable: true siteuv: text: '本站访客数:' unit: '人' sitepv: text: '本站总访问量:' unit: '次' lastupd: enable: true friendlyShow: true # 更友好的时间显示 text: '最后活动时间:' unit: '日' # --------------------------------------- # lastupdate widget lastupdate: class: lastupdate display: [desktop, mobile] header: icon: fa-solid fa-clock WISTERIA title: 最近更新 ############################### Sidebar ############################### > end ```


node.js & npm

``` 在这里粘贴替换 `node -v && npm -v` 输出的信息 v20.12.2 10.5.2 ```


``` 在这里粘贴替换 `npm ls --depth 0` 输出的信息 npm ERR! code ELSPROBLEMS npm ERR! invalid: hexo-renderer-marked@6.2.0 /Users/earendelh/Blogs/EarendelH.github.io/node_modules/hexo-renderer-marked npm ERR! invalid: hexo@7.1.1 /Users/earendelh/Blogs/EarendelH.github.io/node_modules/hexo hexo-site@0.0.0 /Users/earendelh/Blogs/EarendelH.github.io ├── hexo-asset-image@0.0.5 (git+ssh://git@github.com/xcodebuild/hexo-asset-image.git#3c114cf0c0343ab28469635085b225fcae7fb9d3) ├── hexo-deployer-git@4.0.0 ├── hexo-generator-archive@2.0.0 ├── hexo-generator-category@2.0.0 ├── hexo-generator-index@3.0.0 ├── hexo-generator-tag@2.0.0 ├── hexo-renderer-ejs@2.0.0 ├── hexo-renderer-marked@6.2.0 invalid: "^6.3.0" from the root project ├── hexo-renderer-stylus@3.0.1 ├── hexo-server@3.0.0 ├── hexo-theme-landscape@1.0.0 ├── hexo-theme-volantis@5.8.0 └── hexo@7.1.1 invalid: "^7.2.0" from the root project npm ERR! A complete log of this run can be found in: /Users/earendelh/.npm/_logs/2024-04-23T07_29_27_514Z-debug-0.log ```