if *flagAPI {
// In order to have a "proper" API with csrf protection we allow
// the options request to return the csrf token that's required to complete the request
// when using post
optionsHandler := func(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
w.Header().Set("X-CSRF-TOKEN", nosurf.Token(r))
// We have to add each of the authboss get/post routes specifically because
// chi sees the 'Mount' above as overriding the '/*' pattern.
routes := []string{"login", "logout", "recover", "recover/end", "register"}
mux.MethodFunc("OPTIONS", "/*", optionsHandler)
for _, r := range routes {
mux.MethodFunc("OPTIONS", "/auth/"+r, optionsHandler)
My scenario is a SPA (Single page application) which need to:
POST -> /auth/login with body: {"username":"username", "password":"password"}
But to make this login call I also need a X-CSRF-Token header in my javascript call.
How can I get the token from authboss on the first visit?
In the next visits I can create a middleware which creates every time a cookie to be read by javascript (so, NO HTTP-ONLY).
Can you explain it to me why are you using this technique in
(https://github.com/volatiletech/authboss-sample/blob/master/blog.go)?My scenario is a SPA (Single page application) which need to:
with body:{"username":"username", "password":"password"}
But to make this login call I also need a
header in my javascript call.How can I get the token from authboss on the first visit?
In the next visits I can create a middleware which creates every time a cookie to be read by javascript (so, NO HTTP-ONLY).