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Error running the plugin #38

Closed wilson3e closed 4 years ago

wilson3e commented 4 years ago

I ran this code see below this line The error im getting is No Module Named YARA

!/usr/bin/env python

""" Requires Yara-python to be installed """ authors = "Max de Bruijn , Rolf Govers" department = "Forensics and Incident Response" company = "Fox-IT B.V." year = "2019" version = "1.0" status = "Final Volatility Plugin contest submission"

import volatility.plugins.common as common import volatility.plugins.malware.malfind as malfind import volatility.utils as utils import volatility.win32 as win32 import volatility.debug as debug from volatility.renderers import TreeGrid from volatility.renderers.basic import Address import yara import os

try: import yara has_yara = True except ImportError: has_yara = False

class toastPlugin(common.AbstractWindowsCommand):

def generator(self,data):
    for proc, address, hit, content in data:
        relevantContent = content.split('/toast>')[0]+'/toast>'

def unified_output(self,data):
    tree = [("Address",Address),
    return TreeGrid(tree,self.generator(data))

def calculate(self):
    if not has_yara:
        debug.error("Yara must be installed for this plugin")
    addr_space = utils.load_as(self._config)
    tasks = win32.tasks.pslist(addr_space)
    for proc in tasks:
        if str(proc.ImageFileName) == "explorer.exe":
            rules = yara.compile(sources = {
                'n':'rule toast {strings: $a=/<toast.*\/toast>/ condition: $a}'
            scanner = malfind.VadYaraScanner(task=proc, rules=rules)
            for hit,address in scanner.scan(maxlen=0x40000000):
                yield (proc, address, hit, scanner.address_space.zread(address, 0x4000))