volatilityfoundation / volatility

An advanced memory forensics framework
GNU General Public License v2.0
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mac plugin pydoc descriptions #61

Closed iMHLv2 closed 10 years ago

iMHLv2 commented 10 years ago

A large number of plugin descriptions are incorrect (copy and pasted from other plugins). For example mac_check_mig_table says it lists processes. Please double check all of these.

mac_adium                  - Gets memory maps of processes
mac_apihooks               - Checks for API hooks in processes
mac_apihooks_kernel        - Checks to see if system call and kernel functions are hooked
mac_arp                    - Prints the arp table
mac_bash                   - Recover bash history from bash process memory
mac_bash_env               - Recover bash's environment variables
mac_bash_hash              - Recover bash hash table from bash process memory
mac_calendar               - Gets calendar events from Calendar.app
mac_check_mig_table        - List Running Processes
mac_check_syscall_shadow   - List Running Processes
mac_check_syscalls         - Checks to see if system call table entries are hooked
mac_check_sysctl           - Checks for unknown sysctl handlers
mac_check_trap_table       - Checks to see if mach trap table entries are hooked
mac_contacts               - Gets contact names from Contacts.app
mac_dead_procs             - Prints terminated/de-allocated processes
mac_dead_sockets           - Prints terminated/de-allocated network sockets
mac_dead_vnodes            - Prints terminated/de-allocated processes
mac_dmesg                  - Prints the kernel debug buffer
mac_dump_file              - Dumps a specified file
mac_dump_maps              - Dumps memory ranges of processes
mac_dyld_maps              - Gets memory maps of processes from dyld data structures
mac_find_aslr_shift        - Find the ASLR shift value for 10.8+ images
mac_ifconfig               - Lists network interface information for all devices
mac_ip_filters             - Reports any hooked IP filters
mac_keychaindump           - Gets memory maps of processes
mac_ldrmodules             - Compares the output of proc maps with the list of libraries from libdl
mac_librarydump            - Dumps the executable of a process
mac_list_files             - Prints mounted device information
mac_list_sessions          - Enumerates sessions
mac_list_zones             - Prints active zones
mac_lsmod                  - Lists loaded kernel modules
mac_lsmod_iokit            - Lists loaded kernel modules through IOkit
mac_lsmod_kext_map         - Lists loaded kernel modules
mac_lsof                   - Lists per-process opened files
mac_machine_info           - Prints machine information about the sample
mac_malfind                - Looks for suspicious process mappings
mac_memdump                - Dump addressable memory pages to a file
mac_moddump                - Writes the specified kernel extension to disk
mac_mount                  - Prints mounted device information
mac_netstat                - Lists active per-process network connections
mac_network_conns          - Lists network connections from kernel network structures
mac_notesapp               - Gets memory maps of processes
mac_notifiers              - Detects rootkits that add hooks into I/O Kit (e.g. LogKext)
mac_pgrp_hash_table        - Walks the process group hash table
mac_pid_hash_table         - Walks the pid hash table
mac_print_boot_cmdline     - Prints kernel boot arguments
mac_proc_maps              - Gets memory maps of processes
mac_procdump               - Dumps the executable of a process
mac_psaux                  - Prints processes with arguments in user land (**argv)
mac_pslist                 - List Running Processes
mac_pstree                 - Show parent/child relationship of processes
mac_psxview                - Find hidden processes with various process listings
mac_recover_filesystem     - Recover the cached filesystem
mac_route                  - Prints the routing table
mac_socket_filters         - Reports socket filters
mac_tasks                  - List Active Tasks
mac_trustedbsd             - Lists malicious trustedbsd policies
mac_version                - Prints the Mac version
mac_volshell               - Shell in the memory image
mac_yarascan               - Scan memory for yara signatures
iMHLv2 commented 10 years ago

Also this plugin is missing pydocs:

linux_threads - No docs