volatilityfoundation / volatility3

Volatility 3.0 development
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Latest Version Issue Unable to validate the plugin requirements #1267

Closed misogare closed 1 month ago

misogare commented 1 month ago

Describe the bug so the bug is in the latest version 2.10.0 when i try to run windows.netscan.NetScan it gives me this error : └─$ python3 vol.py -f ~/va/cypsample.raw windows.netscan.NetScan Volatility 3 Framework 2.10.0 Progress: 100.00 PDB scanning finished
Unsatisfied requirement plugins.NetScan.verinfo.dlllist: Version 2.0.0 dependency on volatility3.plugins.windows.dlllist.DllList unmet Unsatisfied requirement plugins.NetScan.verinfo: Version 1.0.0 dependency on volatility3.plugins.windows.verinfo.VerInfo unmet Unable to validate the plugin requirements: ['plugins.NetScan.verinfo.dlllist', 'plugins.NetScan.verinfo']

┌──(kali㉿kali)-[~/volatility3] └─$ python3 vol.py -f ~/va/cypsample.raw windows.netstat.NetStat Volatility 3 Framework 2.10.0 Progress: 100.00 PDB scanning finished
Unsatisfied requirement plugins.NetStat.netscan.verinfo.dlllist: Version 2.0.0 dependency on volatility3.plugins.windows.dlllist.DllList unmet Unsatisfied requirement plugins.NetStat.netscan.verinfo: Version 1.0.0 dependency on volatility3.plugins.windows.verinfo.VerInfo unmet Unsatisfied requirement plugins.NetStat.netscan: Version 1.0.0 dependency on volatility3.plugins.windows.netscan.NetScan unmet Unsatisfied requirement plugins.NetStat.verinfo.dlllist: Version 2.0.0 dependency on volatility3.plugins.windows.dlllist.DllList unmet Unsatisfied requirement plugins.NetStat.verinfo: Version 1.0.0 dependency on volatility3.plugins.windows.verinfo.VerInfo unmet Unable to validate the plugin requirements: ['plugins.NetStat.netscan.verinfo.dlllist', 'plugins.NetStat.netscan.v

Context Volatility Version: 2.10 Operating System: kali Python Version: 3.9.11 Suspected Operating System: windows 7 service pack 1

Expected behavior fortunatly, the previous versions they dont have this issue. version 2.8.0 is most stable in my opinion and it works fine image so it is the same memmory dump and with the same symbol table everything is same , even the command used

Additional information it seems like there is a conflict between the depedency required by these plugins verinfo,netstat,netscan

ikelos commented 1 month ago

Thanks very much for pointing this out, we recently added support for verify the chain of dependencies and it looks like no one had used (or reported) the issue with verinfo since we added that code. It's now been fixed and we're looking at getting some infrastructure in place to just run basic tests against all plugins to ensure these dependency issues don't crop up again. 5:)