volcanopele / juno

Python and Shell scripts for my Juno work
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CSV file of center pixel, radius of Io #1

Closed volcanopele closed 2 years ago

volcanopele commented 2 years ago

David Nelson wants in jiramgeombackplanes.py: CSV file name of image, clon, clon, line, sample, radius

kind of akin to the derived file from Glen(?) but using SPICE geometry

volcanopele commented 2 years ago

Resolved without changing code. David will use the current cube output from jiramgeombackplanes.py and will run the following ISIS commands on it to extract an Io only cube file:

bandtrim - extends NULL pixels values to all bands. So null values from the geometry backplanes will now null out non-Io pixels in the DN band. cropspecial - crops out the null pixels, leaving an image with just the Io pixels.