Closed oblitum closed 5 years ago
I've initially reported it to the server project but I think it may be worth checking here first.
What's your configuration of this extension in coc-settings.json?
I don't do my configuration in coc-settings.json, I do it from .vimrc
on VimEnter
like the following:
call coc#config('lsp-wl', {
\ 'wolframLanguageServerPath': '/home/francisco/Projects/lsp-wl'
\ })
mathematica is 11.2.0.
Hmmm, Have you tried running the server out of Vim?
According to the doc of lsp-wl here
wolfram -script /path/to/lsp-wl/init.wls [args]
# or
wolframscript -f /path/to/lsp-wl/init.wls [args]
Or maybe the port was not opened?
For testing from command line I had to do this on one terminal:
~ ❯❯❯ wolfram -script Projects/lsp-wl/init.wls --tcp-server
[INFO 2019-07-30T01:31:44] Initializing Wolfram Language Server
[INFO 2019-07-30T01:31:45] Language server is connecting the client through
[INFO 2019-07-30T01:31:45] Server listening on port 6536...
And this on another:
~ ❯❯❯ wolfram -script Projects/lsp-wl/init.wls
[INFO 2019-07-30T01:31:53] Language server is connecting the client through
[INFO 2019-07-30T01:31:53] Server listening from port 6536...
Then the first terminal shows
[INFO 2019-07-30T01:31:53] Client connected
So, it seems to be working. Simply calling wolfram -script Projects/lsp-wl/init.wls
alone doesn't work, I get an error:
~ ❯❯❯ wolfram -script Projects/lsp-wl/init.wls
[INFO 2019-07-30T01:31:28] Initializing Wolfram Language Server
[INFO 2019-07-30T01:31:28] Language server is connecting the client through
A ZeroMQLink exception was thrown - Connection refused (code 111)
[ERROR 2019-07-30T01:31:28] Cannot connect to client via socket.
Which simply seems like a client missing a server.
As for opening ports, I didn't open any port on my firewall because I thought only loopback access was needed, so no need to open ports, and given that the above terminal interaction seemed to work and on :CocInfo
I've posted first I also got this:
[INFO 2019-07-29T17:36:02] Server listening from port 6536...
[Trace - 5:36:03 PM] Received response 'initialize - (0)' in 427ms.
Result: {
"capabilities": {
"textDocumentSync": 2,
"hoverProvider": true,
"completionProvider": {
"resolveProvider": true,
"triggerCharacters": "\\"
"documentSymbolProvider": true
It looked like coc got a first response, but then the server closes when a textDocument/didOpen
is sent.
Hmmmm sorry I actually doesn't know lsp too much. This extension was ported from vscode-lsp-wl but I don't know much more detail about the mechanism.
Hmm, ok then :-/
Simply calling wolfram -script Projects/lsp-wl/init.wls alone doesn't work, I get an error:
When you pass no extra arguments into the server, it will run as a socket client and try to connect to a socket server at the default port (6536). In your case, the connection will be refused. If you want to run it as a socket server, you should pass the --tcp-server=<port>
@voldikss, I confirm that it is an upstream problem. You can close the issue now.
Hi, I'm on Linux and I'm trying coc-lsp-wl but I'm only getting "Connection to server got closed. Server will restart." in
I also often get the following on subsequent