Closed aca closed 3 years ago
What's your command?
@voldikss Just command in examples.
command! Vifm FloatermNew vifm
I've tried your config in but still can not reproduce the issue. I feel that It might be caused by vifm settings.
@voldikss Oh.. I think I found the problem. It's problem with my vimrc. I'm really sorry. Thank you very much.
It seems like buffer variable(b:floaterm_opener) is not set. So it failed to find valid opener. Don't know why this is an issue. But nevermind I just removed it.
" Ignore various filetypes as those will close terminal automatically
" Ignore fzf, ranger, coc
" autocmd TermClose term://*
" \ if (expand('<afile>') !~ "fzf") && (expand('<afile>') !~ "ranger") && (expand('<afile>') !~ "coc") |
" \ call nvim_input('<CR>') |
" \ endif
Before reporting
If you are using vim(not neovim), fill in the following blanks
If you are using neovim, just run
:checkhealth floaterm
and post the contentbelow.
Configurations related to vim-floaterm in vimrc(i.e.
):Describe your question, feature request, or bug.
Steps to reproduce
Using the minimal vimrc
Steps to reproduce the behavior:
Actual behaviour
Cannot open file with nnn/vifm. Since 6b5da6a It seems like opener is passed to the function.