voldikss / vim-floaterm

:computer: Terminal manager for (neo)vim
MIT License
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Custom width, height, position on FloatTermToggle #409

Open shivkar2n opened 1 year ago

shivkar2n commented 1 year ago

Hey first of all thanks for the awesome plugin!

I usually have a vs-code style terminal docked at the bottom of my editor which is called by command

:FloatermNew --height=0.4 --width=1.0 --wintype=float --position=bottom --autoclose=2

But when I run :FloatermToggle with no float-terminal initially open, it create a new floating terminal with the default properties.

Is there a way to toggle so that if no terminal exists then it opens one as specified above?

1332927388 commented 1 year ago


nabaco commented 3 months ago

Agreed. For now, this is how I configured it in Lua (using Lazy.nvim) in my Neovim setup:

keys = {
        if vim.fn["floaterm#terminal#get_bufnr"]("quake") < 0 then
    mode = {'n', 'i', 't'},
    desc="Quake terminal"

It checks whether a terminal with a given name exists already, and acts accordingly