voldikss / vim-floaterm

:computer: Terminal manager for (neo)vim
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fix: set --titleposition functional for vim popup #411

Closed lucobellic closed 1 year ago

lucobellic commented 1 year ago


I noticed with CI that my previous feature (#410 ) only worked with neovim. So I added some modification and refactoring to enable it for vim popup.

This do not introduce any behavior change with default --titleposition=left when calling popup_getoptions(win_getid()).title. Nonetheless for center and right the vim popup title include borderchars and might be inconsistent with title when using left alignment.

I'm not familiar with vim popup, so a better solution may exist. Let me know what you think and feel free to edit the PR.

Note: CI pass in https://github.com/lucobellic/vim-floaterm/actions/runs/4968353492

voldikss commented 1 year ago

I noticed with CI that my previous feature (https://github.com/voldikss/vim-floaterm/pull/410 ) only worked with neovim.

So strange since the CI of #410 has passed, which indicates that the CI also passed for vim, but the CI for the master branch failed.

Nevertheless, let's merge this PR. Thank you for the working!