volentixlabsinc / venue-client

The webapp for Venue, a community engagement platform for the Volentix community
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Testing Signup forms in Venue.voletix.io #251

Closed Mojganahk closed 6 years ago

Mojganahk commented 6 years ago

Rhys , Once the live version of venue.volentix.io is up and running, please inform me, Matthew and Marwan to test the signup forms. Thanks

Mojganahk commented 6 years ago

Mojgan Ahmadi, Creative Director Edited 1:28pm Turkish Form Sign-up form Name: VenuePostBeta (Turkish) Contacts list name: VenuePostBeta (Turkish) https://app.constantcontact.com/pages/contacts/list-growth#edit/formId/ece61f5e-aaf5-4b47-9a75-5c5a0c505304

Turkish inline Code:

=============================== English Form Sign-up form Name: VenuePostBeta Contacts list name: VenuePostBeta https://app.constantcontact.com/pages/contacts/list-growth#edit/formId/121aa524-2753-4c1f-85d7-e582b70bd983

English inline Code:

shawnlauzon commented 6 years ago

@Mojganahk Is this done?

Mojganahk commented 6 years ago

@shawnlauzon English version was tested. And it worked properly. Turkish one not yet. let me know if I can test the turkish one. I don't know the website address.

shawnlauzon commented 6 years ago

@realrhys Please provide Turkish URL so that @Mojganahk can verify the signup form.

shawnlauzon commented 6 years ago

I believe this is done; @Mojganahk please reopen if not the case.